Big.Boy just can’t move on from TA...

HedonisticFool's Avatar
...and it’s annoying as fuk!

im interested to see how many PM’s he’ll send me...
I'm interested in finding out, if he sent 5 PMS to hedonistic fool, how many of you guys out there also received a PM from this guy ? I know he sent me a few, at first talking shit, then saying sorry, then talking shit again.. this guy can't get his head screwed on properly ! His temper is so bad he must be crapping his pants while he reads this , I can't believe his first order of business after he came back from being banned was to rant about TA here in the coed discussions ! He can't see the line in the sand that separates the client/provider relationship from getting too personal.. crying about not getting to go eat ice cream with her ! Come on man.. and the big apologies you gave out to everyone were never sincere, it was obvious that all your sorries were just an attempt to get a message to her, but now that the whole story has been put out there, by you, we know the truth about you.. and notice how she never talked bad about you.. but you have made every attempt to ruin her reputation.. just stick to whatever girls have been foolish enough to see you .. and all you providers out there be careful what you say to this guy because, obviously, he will turn around and post everything you tell him online for the whole community to see !
Let's see if he can control himself and act like an adult.. or if he's going to throw a hissy fit all over again !
HedonisticFool's Avatar
in addition to being disturbed by his FIVE failed attempts to PM me, i was glad i didn’t have to read his stupidity. now, im wondering what kind of meltdown he had when he was reaching out to me. it’s too bad that i don’t have them to share with the rest of you...LMFAO!!!

hey sure that you’re not man enough to forward the FIVE PM’s to me. in case you forgot when you did, it was THREE on 3/03 and TWO on 3/06.

balls in your court now... i’ll be waiting!
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
I’m sure there’s some kind of story behind this?
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Oh tough guy, I get it now. Thanks Great Milfholio
Joe Buck's Avatar
Points and warnings have already been given so let's drop it.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
tpepsi's Avatar
Crazy times.