Tyler....So sorry I couldn't make it!! :(

I wanted to apologize to all of you guys in Tyler I had planned a trip there this last weekend and I had an unexpected very serious family emergency come up. I am sorry guys

I am planning (fingers crossed) to be there the weekend of September 17th. I know t's a ways away but unless there is a catastrophic emergency again I will be there for sure.

I hope you understand I was very sad I could not make it I had such a great time last time.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Girl: On behalf of all the gents currently crying you couldn't make it, I wanna thank ya for posting this thread.

It's always refreshing when a gal keeps folks in the loop instead of just not showing up with no explanation.

MuffinMan's Avatar
Can I get an AMEN from the choir?? lol

Well thank you gentlemen