New Rasmussen numbers give Romney a 50% to 46% lead in the Rocky Mountain state.

markroxny's Avatar
Fuck Colorado, I'm looking at Ohio.

Oh and I see the Rassmusen Electoral College map has Obama ahead.

That map is great...thanks for posting.....Romney is down 2 electoral votes without Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia, and Romney will pick up at least 2 of those states and maybe all 3.......Ohio will be close but even without Ohio, Romney can get the required votes...Wisconsin and Iowa shouldn't be toss up states at this stage in the game.........

Fuck Colorado, I'm looking at Ohio.

Oh and I see the Rassmusen Electoral College map has Obama ahead.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/publ...ege_scoreboard Originally Posted by markroxny
markroxny's Avatar
Hope springs eternal eh Whirl? LOL
markroxny's Avatar
Well, he better get his early voters out like Obama has been.

After tonights debate, the .....'rats will be leaving the sinking ship that is "SS Obama".

Wait for a few more days when Bill Clinton finally turns on him. Hillary might be a bitch, but she is still "Mrs Bill Clinton". All of the hatred that the former President has for that skinny fat little twerp when he used the "race card" against Hillary, and indirectly him, will all manefest it's self again.
Colorado rocky mountain high...