Biden inaugurated, what now?

Anyone written to him and asked if while he is reversing the last 4 years if he is going to eliminate fosta/sesta? He just might be senile enough to issue an executive order if you blame Trump for it. LOL

Everyone should write the white house now and say Trump made prostitution illegal and ask Biden to reverse that.
Precious_b's Avatar
Hell, if you wanted to legalize it, trump was your best bet.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Yep, he is officially in office so everyone get ready for higher taxes, higher gas prices, sucking some Chinese cock and medicare for all.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Biden might legalize Edit-Staff
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
$5 a gallon gas.
That’s what
National debt to $50trillion by Christmas.
higher taxes, higher unemployment
billw1032's Avatar
Yep, you guys have pretty much nailed it.
Going to be a little fun but real painful to sit back and watch what these Demo's voted for materialize. Jan 2022 ask yourself if you are better off now.
billw1032's Avatar
It seems that our neighbor to the north Canada is more than a little displeased with the XL Pipeline decision. And China didn't waste any time challenging Taiwan's airspace. There may be a few serious things coming our way to consider that will need real decisions REAL SOON NOW that will require him to come out of the basement (or the WH residence now, I suppose).
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Going to be a little fun but real painful to sit back and watch what these Demo's voted for materialize. Jan 2022 ask yourself if you are better off now. Originally Posted by bill sins
I don’t know what I’ll do without the insane presidential tweets from the toilet at 4am.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Canada displeased is the understatement of the year , xl going away will cost them millions and job so were of to a great start north and south Mexico isn't happy
I don’t know what I’ll do without the insane presidential tweets from the toilet at 4am. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults

Amazing how tweets are more offensive than anti American policy. I eagerly anticipate name calling and orange man bad response to my post
mrredcat43's Avatar
This is the sandbox, NOT the political forum
Precious_b's Avatar
Not that they were offensive E55 (which a few where but ain't going there.) The fact a great amount were bald face lies.