More Tea Party Lunacy: Who Really Benefits From A Weaker Government?

Think about it my friends.

Let's examine their lunacy a bit further. Excellent and salient points from a Forward Progressives writer. - source included.

I really believe these people have every intention to destroy the United States. It’s the only way they can get what they really want.

But what do they want, you ask? Well, a country based on a Constitution they wished existed, crafted by theology—controlled by the rich.

See, the Constitution as it stands now doesn’t support the kind of nation they want. They want some kind of Constitution based on theocracy. Something that our current Constitution doesn’t support.

Which is clearly stated right from the beginning, where it says Americans have the “freedom of religion,” which also means freedom from religion and freedom to practice any religion. -

But as these people shifted from Democrats, to Dixiecrats, to Republicans and now “tea party Republicans,” they’ve made it clear that there’s one group of people they support, and want in control of this country—wealthy, white, straight, Christian males.
And that’s basically it.

But our Constitution doesn’t set up a nation for that. Our Constitution has:
  • Ended slavery
  • Given women the right to vote
  • Ended segregation
  • Given women the right to choose what to do with their own body
  • Provided a pathway for immigrants to become American citizens
  • Separated church and state
  • Ended segregation
  • Given us the Civil Rights Act of 1965
  • Protected voting rights
  • Begun protecting same-sex marriage rights
  • Defended “Obamacare”
And many other things which aren’t supported by “tea party Republicans.” Because we can’t forget that historically, many of these areas that are very Republican are the same areas that supported slavery, opposed the right for women to vote, supported segregation, opposed civil rights, continue to attack voting rights and stand strongly against “Obamacare.”

So while the name of the political party might have changed over time, the backwards ideological beliefs of many of the people in these areas (specifically tea party Republicans) really hasn’t changed much at all. Sure, there’s been some evolution, but not much. After all, in many of these areas, they still don’t even believe in evolution to begin with.

But as they continue to lose battle after battle, tea party Republicans have seemingly embraced the idea that the only way they can build the country they want is by burning this one to the ground.

I fully believe many of them want a full-on revolution. They want an economic collapse so disastrous that it turns millions of Americans on our government and pushes our country into complete and total chaos.

There’s little doubt in my mind that they believe by doing this they can create such a dire environment that they’ll be able to build the government back up to what they really want.

Let’s be honest, the Constitution (in its current configuration) will never let them build the kind of theocracy they want. Sure, they tell themselves that they’re the party for “Constitutional values,” but that’s an absolute joke.

They only support the Constitution the few times it supports their ideological beliefs. In the many instances it opposes their ideology, then suddenly many of them are talking of secession or revolution.

Isn’t it a little bit of a conflict of interest to run on the premise that government can’t do anything right, then seemingly do everything in their power to make sure government—can’t do anything right?

I know I can’t be the only one who sees some kind of deep underlying ulterior motive that’s driving this wave of tea party Republicanism.

Because who really benefits from a weak government? It’s not the American people, trust me. It’s the rich.

....and here's the irony of it all considering most Tea Party loons are piss poor and in need of severe help:

They want us to fail. Because if we do, they’ll get the opportunity to rebuild this nation based upon what they want. A theocracy, masked in a veil of Constitutionalism, controlled by the richest of the rich among us.
Who is arguing for a "weaker" government ?

No one in the TP (that I know). But if you can name one person, please post.
boardman's Avatar
That guy is a loon
Yeah. I am going to put him on ignore.

That guy is a loon Originally Posted by boardman
Who is arguing for a "weaker" government ?

No one in the TP (that I know). But if you can name one person, please post. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Your entire platform is built on a weaker government concept. Ever heard any yell: "Let's Shut The Government Down?"


Let me remind you:

That guy is a loon Originally Posted by boardman

Yes because when one is not smart enough to defend a position or intellectual enough to debate a point it's time to put the source of your challenge on ignore. Typical Tea Party mindset.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah. I am going to put him on ignore. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You can certainly turn the question around and see who benefits from an increasingly intrusive and controlling government. Those opposed to that aren't just the big bad white male Christian conservatives. The funny thing is that if ever the people get tired of everything bad being associated with old white men, they might see how fucked up liberalism is, and why it has to create the bogey man. The arguments against racism, while perhaps somewhat valid in their compartment, are mere straw man diversions from the real agenda of Soviet/Cuban style state control.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The HULK is back.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think we want a leaner stronger government.

Not one that is fat, bloated and ineffective.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Think about it my friends.

Let's examine their lunacy a bit further. Excellent and salient points from a Forward Progressives writer. - source included.

I really believe these people have every intention to destroy the United States. It’s the only way they can get what they really want.

But what do they want, you ask? Well, a country based on a Constitution they wished existed, crafted by theology—controlled by the rich.

See, the Constitution as it stands now doesn’t support the kind of nation they want. They want some kind of Constitution based on theocracy. Something that our current Constitution doesn’t support.

Which is clearly stated right from the beginning, where it says Americans have the “freedom of religion,” which also means freedom from religion and freedom to practice any religion. -

But as these people shifted from Democrats, to Dixiecrats, to Republicans and now “tea party Republicans,” they’ve made it clear that there’s one group of people they support, and want in control of this country—wealthy, white, straight, Christian males.
And that’s basically it.

But our Constitution doesn’t set up a nation for that. Our Constitution has:
  • Ended slavery Slavery was ended by the people. The amendment came afterwards.
  • Given women the right to vote In many states women already had the right to vote. The amendment (passed by the GOP) gave it to women on the federal level.
  • Ended segregation I missed that amendment. Care to look it up? Segregation of the military was ended by executive order. Segregation of our schools was ended by executive order. There is nothing in the Constitution that endes segregation.
  • Given women the right to choose what to do with their own body That was given by the Supreme Court and not the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion.
  • Provided a pathway for immigrants to become American citizens. That is not in the Constitution either. It is a regulatory function.
  • Separated church and state That is not in the Constitution either. What you're quoting came from a private letter written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Ended segregation You're repeating yourself and you're still wrong.
  • Given us the Civil Rights Act of 1965 Actually the big one was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and that is a law. It is not part of or in the Constitution.
  • Protected voting rights Nope
  • Begun protecting same-sex marriage rights Nope
  • Defended “Obamacare” Nope
And many other things which aren’t supported by “tea party Republicans.” Because we can’t forget that historically, many of these areas that are very Republican are the same areas that supported slavery, opposed the right for women to vote, supported segregation, opposed civil rights, continue to attack voting rights and stand strongly against “Obamacare.” Actually it was democrats who supported slavery, opposed women's right to vote, supported Jim Crow laws, supported segregation, opposed Civil Rights, and have tried to disenfranchise the military vote in every election in the last 20 years. The Tea Party philosophy only goes back about 10 years so go grab a clue.

So while the name of the political party might have changed over time, the backwards ideological beliefs of many of the people in these areas (specifically tea party Republicans) really hasn’t changed much at all. Sure, there’s been some evolution, but not much. After all, in many of these areas, they still don’t even believe in evolution to begin with. Who told you that bullshit?

But as they continue to lose battle after battle, tea party Republicans have seemingly embraced the idea that the only way they can build the country they want is by burning this one to the ground. Did you forget the battles that have been won? 55 Tea Party people in the House, Cantor is gone, and we are looking at about five Tea Party senators.

I fully believe many of them want a full-on revolution. They want an economic collapse so disastrous that it turns millions of Americans on our government and pushes our country into complete and total chaos. We already have the collapse thanks to Obama. We're trying to put it back together.

There’s little doubt in my mind that they believe by doing this they can create such a dire environment that they’ll be able to build the government back up to what they really want. You have just described, perfectly I might add, exactly how Alinsky advised the left to bring down the United States.

Let’s be honest, the Constitution (in its current configuration) will never let them build the kind of theocracy they want. Sure, they tell themselves that they’re the party for “Constitutional values,” but that’s an absolute joke. It has been Obama who has said that the Constitution is getting in his way.

They only support the Constitution the few times it supports their ideological beliefs. In the many instances it opposes their ideology, then suddenly many of them are talking of secession or revolution. Remember that quote from Jefferson, he also said that a little revolution every generation is good for the country.

Isn’t it a little bit of a conflict of interest to run on the premise that government can’t do anything right, then seemingly do everything in their power to make sure government—can’t do anything right?

I know I can’t be the only one who sees some kind of deep underlying ulterior motive that’s driving this wave of tea party Republicanism.

Because who really benefits from a weak government? It’s not the American people, trust me. It’s the rich.

....and here's the irony of it all considering most Tea Party loons are piss poor and in need of severe help:

They want us to fail. Because if we do, they’ll get the opportunity to rebuild this nation based upon what they want. A theocracy, masked in a veil of Constitutionalism, controlled by the richest of the rich among us. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

You actually have it wrong. It is not a weaker government but a more efficient and responsive government. No wonder you guys can't understand the Tea Party philosophy. You don't even have a rudimentary idea of what they are fighting for.

By the way, this is your response
feast your eyes on this

You actually have it wrong. It is not a weaker government but a more efficient and responsive government. No wonder you guys can't understand the Tea Party philosophy. You don't even have a rudimentary idea of what they are fighting for.

By the way, this is your response
feast your eyes on this

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
All your responses were very weak and ineffective. Try again
TxHarleyBiker's Avatar
All your responses were very weak and ineffective. Try again Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

It's only weak because it doesn't support your unrealistic and warped views.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or yours.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who is arguing for a "weaker" government ?

No one in the TP (that I know). But if you can name one person, please post. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'll argue for a weaker government. Damn straight yes! Less government, more freedom and individual responsibility. Amen!