Where is the provider section?

AngeLisa's Avatar
I'm confused why New Orleans board does not have a provider section....How do the girls run any ads beside jumping on backpage?

I will be in town soon and I have just found no Other resources to help whore beside bp
pornodave69's Avatar
There are 5 provider ad sections located at the bottom of the NOLA forum.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I'm glad you found the ad section--that's a NICE AD!!! 17th through the 21st eh?...
AngeLisa's Avatar
Thanks for the help, I woulda never found that
yes thats the dates!!
pornodave69's Avatar
I find it strange that so many ladies don't scroll down the whole NOLA main page when looking for the section. It's there, plain as day, if you just keep going down the page.

Apparently, changing the format of the NOLA page to put the ads up top is either not possible or would take a lot of trouble to do so or cause problems.
AngeLisa's Avatar
I have no problem asking for help though