How ugly is he?

He is so ugly, everytime his momma looks at him she says...

Damn, I should have taken it in the ass.

Feel free to add your own.

Let's have some fun for a change.
travelnman0129's Avatar
2 come to mind

1. "He's so ugly he should shave his ass and learn to walk backwards"
2. "When he was born the Dr. took one look at him and slapped his mother"

tatasddd's Avatar
Sexymaid69, if your father had known what a POS will come out of his sperm he would have jacked you off down the sewer.
AmishGangster's Avatar
eaglehorse's Avatar
Here's an old one,

He is so ugly, he made Sin go to church.
He was beaten with an ugly stick, until the ugly stick couldn't take it anymore.
His house is so dirty he has to wipe his feet to go outside.

TY. AG, always loved that guys one liners.
eaglehorse's Avatar
AG, now I was Not a Marine, this is how we were treated in the Army basic training by the Drill Sgt's. I was more afraid of my PSG than the NVA. I still have nightmares of him. He used a straight razor to shave, no shaving cream or water, He was his best when under fire, took no bullshit from officers, gave no bullshit either. He dragged my wounded ass about 50 yards, he was hit also 2 or 3 times. He went home, I went back to the unit. He was the best. Severed with my father in 101 ABN, Holland. He was the best NCO who ever served. Enjoyed the clip, thanks AG.
He is so ugly, when he was born they put tinted windows on his incubator!
Your so dumb... got stabbed to death in a shoot out

... brought a spoon to the superbowl

... failed a blood test

... got locked inside your car

... got locked in a grocery store and starved to death

... thought a quarterback was a refund

...tried to put m&m's in ABC order
lustylad's Avatar
Rodney likes this thread!

I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor took one look at my face, turned me over and said “Look – twins!”

I was so ugly my mother breast fed me through a straw.

I was so ugly when I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.

I was so ugly my dad carried around pictures of the kid that came with the wallet.

I was so ugly my mother got morning sickness after I was born.

I was so ugly I went to the proctologist and he stuck his fingers in my mouth.

I was so ugly when I worked in a pet shop, people kept asking how big I would get.

I was so ugly when I went to the doctor and said, "Doc, every morning I wake up, look in the mirror and throw up. What's wrong?" The doctor said, "I don't know, but your eyesight is perfect."
I know why you look like a horse, because I saw your mother grazing in the field.
lustylad's Avatar
He is so ugly that when he performed in a webcam porn show for gays, they all went straight!
jjriggins's Avatar
I thought for sure that there would be a Kumquat joke in here somewhere....
bambino's Avatar
Are we talking about TitsTats here? I saw his website once, I think ugly is the wrong adjective here. He's one goofy looking Basterd. You would laugh instead of be frightened. It's like, he's one goofy looking motherfucker.
AmishGangster's Avatar
We aren't speaking of anyone specific, just a repository of he's so ugly instead of your momma is so fat jokes

He's so ugly he finds the Moo Moo Mafia attractive