The Great American Embarrassment!

dumars's Avatar
Yo Donny, you said you were sending private investigators to Hawaii to check out the birther scandal. How'd that come out? You never told us! You didn't lie to us did you? Tell us it ain't so!

32% of republican voters standing in line to get shit on by this buffoon. Fucking incredible and scary as hell. I take back 10% of the things I said about G.W.. He ain't shit compared to Trump!!!
I don't like talking politics and don't know what kind of President DT might be, but personally I don't think BO's done a good job with his 2 terms in the office. I especially hate his ObamaCare crap.
There is a political forum, post that there you will create a lot of comment.
dumars's Avatar
I believe this forum is for just about anything, yes?

There is a political forum, post that there you will create a lot of comment. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yes it is. I'va Biggen appropriately suggested that you create a thread in the national Political Forum in order to garner much more comment and thus test your debating skills and fact checking.

For someone who claimed to be able to tell whether an individual is conservative or liberal merely by reading one line in a review, you should have no problem besting the best of the political debaters.

Go for it!

RandB fan's Avatar
It's a trap!Really, it's a trap!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Go for it! Originally Posted by scorpio31
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yo Donny, you said you were sending private investigators to Hawaii to check out the birther scandal. How'd that come out? You never told us! You didn't lie to us did you? Tell us it ain't so!

32% of republican voters standing in line to get shit on by this buffoon. Fucking incredible and scary as hell. I take back 10% of the things I said about G.W.. He ain't shit compared to Trump!!! Originally Posted by dumars
Without getting too deep (this is the wrong forum), the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The evidence is out there if you look.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Without getting too deep (this is the wrong forum), the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The evidence is out there if you look. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
YOu have a problem with trying to set someone straight before they make a complete and utter fool of themselves?
love2fishfork's Avatar
The greatest American embarrassment is that this country is run and controlled by a hand full of bazillionairs. Six major corporations own ALL of the media (TV, Radio, Newspapers...). They spoon feed the American people what they want them to believe, and most of us are too lazy/ignorant to figure it out. It doesn't matter what party you support, it's all a big scam. Like George Carlin said, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it". Ever wonder why a candidate would want to spend $100 million dollars to land a job that pays $170k (congress)?

So people keep watching TV and regurgitating what you hear, while they suck the money out of your pockets and put it in theirs.

Next question is, who owns Federal Reserve (the other biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people). Surprise, it's not the US government.
dumars's Avatar
It would be difficult if not utterly impossible to prove where the silly shit started. You might very well produce a video but who's to say there is not another dated earlier from someone else? I can remember a video by some self proclaimed "document expert" (with no forensic background at all) and it got picked up by WND types (Trump supporters now) everywhere and took off from there.

Regardless, Donny did in fact state, I'm sure I don't have to prove it, do I(?), he was going to send private investigators to Hawaii.

Not an original question.

Further reading, enjoy!

That ain't "politics" that's just plain shit talk that's been in the news! Apparently still is to a small degree!! And he's STILL shit talking and people are sucking it up!

the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The evidence is out there if you look. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

P.S. Yes, I have been able to ID persons of a particular persuasion by a single comment whether spoken or written. Not 100% of the time. Been a while, even then, didn't keep tabs. Freaks people out, never the less!
Guest010418's Avatar
Hillary did start it but she never stated publicly that she had the proof like The Donald did.
dumars's Avatar
The point is Donny said he was sending PIs to Hawaii to investigate Obama's birth certificate and never said anything afterward. He never said he has or had the proof. Said he was going to get it. Did he? What does Hillary have to do with that point?


The point is he was pulling shit out of his ass then and still is. RWNJ/TBers were applauding his shit talking ass then and still are.

Hillary did start it but she never stated publicly that she had the proof like The Donald did. Originally Posted by riskyr
dumars's Avatar
Don't miss the part about Ted Cruz. Hilarious!