Your preferred STD Testing Place

I test after each provider visit. It's just safe that way. So I was wondering where everyone tests and why you choose that facility. Is it price, privacy, comfort level with testers, etc.
My physician is one of my best friends... He really wants me out of the hobby because of "trends" he sees.
The one I thought I needed to be tested I went to the county health department. Stood in line, got tested, got the results. If I remember right it took about an hour and a half. Only issue would be who you might run into in the waiting room. Since then everythings been CFS, so I should be good.

I noticed the Nebraska Aids Project has an office in downtown Lincoln. They had a sign out front advertising low cost testing. They're also in Omaha, Kearney, Norfolk, and Scottsbluff.
ILuvNips's Avatar
I test after each provider visit.. Originally Posted by marcusmuskrat
Getting tested every day would not be feasible. Once every few months at my doctor's office works for me.
I just dip my pecker in bleach after every visit.