Thinking About Visiting DFW Arlington Areas Need to Know What areas are Safe

Rachel Avery's Avatar
Hello Im headed back to Texas
DFW Arlington Area
Need to know what areas and hotels are safe to be at?
Any info will be helpful
Rachel, there are several hotels around the Six Flags area in Arlington... I-30 and Hwy360.
Rachel Avery's Avatar
ok Thanks Prolongus..Im still doin homework and gathering info for trip .
Take Care
Hope you get an "A" on your homework...mmmmm
Rachel Avery's Avatar
Oh yes I always do...In my school girl outfit
doug_dfw's Avatar
Walk the street in Arlington- problem. Mostly from the others. That is why Arlington has been painted trouble.

The comment about 6 Flags 3 star hotels is accurate- trouble free.

PM if you want my list which I know are hobby freiendly
My home in Arlington is REAL safe , but we will have to throw the old lady out or tell her you are my long lost kissin etc. cousin. hope to see you here
Just screen thoroughly and you should be fine. Arlington le likes to do stings but good screening should handle that risk
Rachel Avery's Avatar
ok Thanks for all the info about Arlington.
Everyone Have a Great Week