Qualities Of A Mod?

ANONONE's Avatar
Let me add this:
We expect the mods to enforce the guidelines which are for all members to use as a guide for using this site; we ask them to approve reviews; verify providers; and answer RTM's where possible.

Staff is not here to promote any agenda. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Hmmmm. . .

Looks like this board has been going through some serious growing pains that have resulted in quite a bit of staff turnover.

So beyond the basic qualities that we understand like patience, tolerance, fairness, and being unbiased when enforcing board protocol, what do you think should come into consideration with the next round of mod appointments?

Maybe there is some wisdom with the notion of mods overseeing areas they don't actually hobby in?

Considering there is already one current Mod that lives in the area I feel the second Mod would be best to come from outside the area. Someone who would not be biased, could look at both side of the issue. Members are adults and should be able to self moderate. I'm not taking any thing from those nominated.

My nickles worth on a holiday weekend. Originally Posted by Sonoman
Especially as we see this unfold during the nomination phase:

I went back and looked..I personally know, have spent time with, at LEAST 7 of the 11 nominees. . . Originally Posted by Randi
Seems kind of funny that one guy gets ousted based among other things "having a bias with someone he may also have seen as a client" and yet others use it as a litmus test as to whether they would make a good mod.

Is having folks moderate an area they do not live in a good idea?
pyramider's Avatar

To succeed all mods have to ask themselves What Would Big Jake Do.

To succeed all mods have to ask themselves What Would Big Jake Do. Originally Posted by pyramider
I ask myself that all the time.
Well the hardest lesson to learn in moderating is to leave the old personality behind and become less visible, besides growing thicker skin.

There was great effort placed in writing the forum guidelines, I tell the new mods to use it as the guide when not sure about how to react.

In general the mods spend most of the time doing behind the scene duties that are vital to keeping the site running smooth, such as approving reviews, verifying provider requests and answering RTM's. These take up time.

Occasionally mods need to remind members to obey the rules, we prefer to take a non public method first like a PM, if warnings are not heeded then further action takes place.

The real task is keeping threads open, as sometimes they get so off topic or drama laden we are left with no other option.

So are you throwing your name in the hopper?
We should definitely not have to stare at pics of a mod's wishful thinking of his giant cock! I'm just sayin...
We should definitely not have to stare at pics of a mod's wishful thinking of his giant cock! I'm just sayin... Originally Posted by cpi3000
nah... Mine makes me money...


pyramider's Avatar
Plus, some of those bitches are good looking.
atlcomedy's Avatar
First of all, ANON, I appreciate the phrasing you used: "growing pains" - any of us that have started a new venture can relate to that in one way or another.

The better discussion is the requisite overall skill set and behavior of Mods. Either you are a good one or you aren't regardless of where you hobby. What are the qualifications to be a mod? A friend of the owner(s)? A mod somewhere else (even if you were a shitty one there)?

I haven't always been pleased with the moderation and anyone who has been reading here since the first of the year knows that. That said, "Senior Management" has always been responsive and tried to sort out any issues.

We are roughly 6 months into the "post ASPD era" -- my suggestion to "Sr Management" is now is probably a good time to solicit (private) feedback on ALL Mods and do an evaluation. And some probably should be kindly asked to return to "valued member" status
ANONONE's Avatar

So are you throwing your name in the hopper? Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Well, I did throw my name in to help out with the Arkansas fiasco, if for no other reason than for some folks to see, via contrast, how wonderful they used to have it compared to having someone like me from out of town playing referee. With literally knowing nobody from the state I would have approached the role just as you described--no favorites, just use the board guidelines as reference and give folks an opportunity in private to adapt wrong behavior, provide a second chance in public (with instructive quote from guidelines and a concise explanation of action/consequences) with a bit more firm warning, then a third strike equals some bench time or whatever other action might be needed.

I was mostly just joking, but sure if you guys ever decided it would be a good idea to have a "visiting" mod help out with a given area other than the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley I would give it a try. I am not saying that having out of market mods is a great idea, but given some of the brouhaha that has happened lately, it might be a good experiment.

atlcomedy's Avatar
Well, I did throw my name in to help out with the Arkansas fiasco, if for no other reason than for some folks to see, via contrast, how wonderful they used to have it compared to having someone like me from out of town playing referee. With literally knowing nobody from the state I would have approached the role just as you described--no favorites, just use the board guidelines as reference and give folks an opportunity in private to adapt wrong behavior, provide a second chance in public (with instructive quote from guidelines and a concise explanation of action/consequences) with a bit more firm warning, then a third strike equals some bench time or whatever other action might be needed.

I was mostly just joking, but sure if you guys ever decided it would be a good idea to have a "visiting" mod help out with a given area other than the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley I would give it a try. I am not saying that having out of market mods is a great idea, but given some of the brouhaha that has happened lately, it might be a good experiment.
Originally Posted by ANONONE
I think in general a VOLUNTEER guy getting laid in Tulsa is less apt to be an active reader and effective moderator of the Little Rock board....

In fact if anything we have too many Mods. We have MINOs (Moderators in name only). I'll be polite and not call them out here but St. Chris knows who they are. Clarity on roles and responsibilities would be great.
ANONONE's Avatar
Good point on the home base of a given moderator. . .maybe each area needs a local person and an at-large person?

Not being from an area gives you the advantage of no bias and no personal stake in moderating drama. The disadvantage would be in verifying providers and handling issues specific to a locale. While we never expect mods to protect us, I am sure some familiarity with regional LEO hunting habits also comes in handy as well as the ability to dispense advice with local knowledge.
Anonone, I have followed the boards for quite some time but rarely post and in the past I have enjoyed many of your posts and opinions. However, in this case you took a quote from Randi completely out of context, I don't know her anymore than I know you but I did read the thread you pulled that quote from. Someone posted saying that almost all of the choices on a poll were pompous a-holes and she replied that she had met 7 out of the 11 and that they were infact not pompous a-holes, nothing was ever said about this being who she would or would not vote for. I doubt anyone is going to care about it either way but if anyone did want to view how the thread was meant to read then here is the link: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=70035
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-10-2010, 09:17 AM
After doing the Mod gig for over two months now I can state that being from the area that I am moderating is a significant advantage. Knowing the area, its people and its dynamics, has helped me a lot in dealing with the issues that come up.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Anonone, I have followed the boards for quite some time but rarely post and in the past I have enjoyed many of your posts and opinions. However, in this case you took a quote from Randi completely out of context, I don't know her anymore than I know you but I did read the thread you pulled that quote from. Someone posted saying that almost all of the choices on a poll were pompous a-holes and she replied that she had met 7 out of the 11 and that they were infact not pompous a-holes, nothing was ever said about this being who she would or would not vote for. I doubt anyone is going to care about it either way but if anyone did want to view how the thread was meant to read then here is the link: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=70035 Originally Posted by randomuser
Knowing Randi just a wee bit more.... I concur!!

I also think Randomuser... if he would accept the position, would make a fine local moderator for Arkansas!
