Talk about embarassing, snake oil salesman on the road

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The strongest argument for military action in Syria is to save the reputation of Obama. This morning I sit down and see Obama in Sweden trying to get support for his military campaign. He couldn't even stay on topic but strayed over to global warming and green energy. He just got a question from an attractive young lady about electronic surrveillance in the US. He denies that any surrveillance is going on and then says that "if" any thing like that is going on then maybe the laws are not strong enough (or weak enough) to allow the government to do what has to be done to fight against terrorism (I guess it depends on what you mean by the word terrorism). I love this part....she looks bored now because he is still answering the question after five minutes. His answer is that we are not, but if we are, there is a good reason, the law has not kept up with technology, we will review what we're doing, we are doing what is necessary, and don't look at the man behind the curtain.

Seven minutes and still talking....back to green energy and global warming. I think the young lady is going to hang herself. Eight minutes and Obama says he gets called names back in the US (wah!). He stopped! Just short of nine minutes.

Oops! Too soon. The question is about is Obama getting support from Sweden for Syria. Obama huffs and says he didn't set a "red line", it was the world who set a "red line". It was the world and not him. He sounds a little angry with the question. I love this, his credibility is not on the line (according to Barry) but the credibility of the world and Congress is on the line. Delusional? You be the judge.
thisguy23's Avatar
The strongest argument for military action in Syria is to save the reputation of Obama. This morning I sit down and see Obama in Sweden trying to get support for his military campaign. He couldn't even stay on topic but strayed over to global warming and green energy. He just got a question from an attractive young lady about electronic surrveillance in the US. He denies that any surrveillance is going on and then says that "if" any thing like that is going on then maybe the laws are not strong enough (or weak enough) to allow the government to do what has to be done to fight against terrorism (I guess it depends on what you mean by the word terrorism). I love this part....she looks bored now because he is still answering the question after five minutes. His answer is that we are not, but if we are, there is a good reason, the law has not kept up with technology, we will review what we're doing, we are doing what is necessary, and don't look at the man behind the curtain.

Seven minutes and still talking....back to green energy and global warming. I think the young lady is going to hang herself. Eight minutes and Obama says he gets called names back in the US (wah!). He stopped! Just short of nine minutes.

Oops! Too soon. The question is about is Obama getting support from Sweden for Syria. Obama huffs and says he didn't set a "red line", it was the world who set a "red line". It was the world and not him. He sounds a little angry with the question. I love this, his credibility is not on the line (according to Barry) but the credibility of the world and Congress is on the line. Delusional? You be the judge. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

He's right about that, he has lost all of it already. Politically the Dems are going to have to hit a grand slam to get out of the mess he put them in.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He's right about that, he has lost all of it already. Politically the Dems are going to have to hit a grand slam to get out of the mess he put them in. Originally Posted by thisguy23
thisguy23's Avatar
I just watched part of his answers again ''my credibility is not on the line, the international community's credibility is on the line and America and congress's credibility is on the line''. Notice how once again its everybody else other than him. I'm surprised he didn't blame it on W. History will not be kind to him.
It is unbelieveable that America elected then re-elected this man to occupy the White House.

I just watched part of his answers again ''my credibility is not on the line, the international community's credibility is on the line and America and congress's credibility is on the line''. Notice how once again its everybody else other than him. I'm surprised he didn't blame it on W. History will not be kind to him. Originally Posted by thisguy23
Good god, what a pathetic, idiotic amateur this clown is. This is getting so ridiculous it's surreal. And the LIV's will lap it all up as gospel once again.

(P.S.- This is The Limbaugh Theorum in action. If you don't know what that is, Google it and educate yourself. Rush is spot on with it.)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 12:18 PM
It is unbelieveable that America elected then re-elected this man to occupy the White House. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
People said the exact same thing about GWB. It is the nature of the opposition party to say things like this. Not productive but human nature all the same...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2013, 02:11 PM
People said the exact same thing about GWB. It is the nature of the opposition party to say things like this. Not productive but human nature all the same... Originally Posted by WTF
look at the people on this thread who are calling Obie a clown ... ironic isn't it ?
Bush was a terrible president; I didn't vote for him...........and Obama is turning out to be much worse and certainly more dangerous (for our country).
thisguy23's Avatar
I left the Rep party because of Bush.
It is unbelieveable that America elected then re-elected this man to occupy the White House. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

The real shame is your party couldn't come up with someone to win.
Well, for going on 6 years, the "narcissist" in chief has been saying, "it's all Bush's fault".
Now, it's EVERYBODIES..............but his.
It is unbelieveable that America elected then re-elected this man to occupy the White House. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I agree, "the most unpopular (and incompetent) President" to occupy the White House (George W. Bush) should have never been "elected then re-elected."

For once Trendy nailed the right "Trend."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well I aint gonna kick a man when he is down but, I aint seen him act like a man yet. It's no wonder his "wife" is such as bitch.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
look at the people on this thread who are calling Obie a clown ... ironic isn't it ?

Yeah, all the people who were right about Barry. Who knew?

He is even blaming the dead but say that it was Congress who drew the red line...In 1929 the Senate ratified the chemical weapons treaty called the Geneva Protocol. Before you mention the 2013 treaty, there is not red line in that treaty. In other words no application of military punishment. So we have to go back to the 1929 Protocol and I don't think anyone is left alive for Barry to blame.

Obie the Clown