sorry ass mod= sorry ass forum

rjdiner's Avatar
No wonder there is next to no activity on the pitiful forum. Every time you post a relevant comment the dweeb mod warns you or points you. His favorite is "thread hijack." He can't even explain what that is because he can't read OR comprehend.
It so random and it just goes to prove my point all along. This guy just makes shit up as he goes. SMH
Bill James's Avatar
+1 maj
benover4me's Avatar
+2 maj
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey OP, I think we gotit the first time, if not, we got it the second time. Those who missed it the second time, got it the third time. Those who missed it the third time... I think we all are aware of your opinion at this point!!! Can you please move on to some new subject matter??
I like it here.
rjdiner's Avatar
You guys can shoot the messenger but that won't improve the board any. I hear you guys bitching about the lack of activity and quality options but then when it comes to doing something about it you punt. Gutless!
When I'm ready to move on I'll move on fucker. That will happen when this little dweeb mod with an inferiority complex is thrown out on his ass and not until.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me RJ but I fail to see where anybody "shot the messenger." The point made was that you already expressed your opinion...several times!! Move on Sir!!!

Nothing to see here folks, please just move along.
CuddlyForest's Avatar

I say just give this guy points at every chance you get mod. At least we won't keep hearing the same old thing.

Welcome to the internet dumbass.
Give credit for persistence. Can't wait to witness the final out come.
rjdiner's Avatar
Stay tuned. Unlike some of these cowardly quitters I get more backbone as this moves forward. I don't know how some of these guys can live with themselves when they lack the courage to keep fighting when they get fucked over. SMH
perfectdevil's Avatar
I honestly don't understand why people complain about the mods, I see the term thread hijack used but I haven't actually noticed any threads that had been hijacked; I would have assumed that anyone with a Napoleon complex would delete threads such as this one but all the evidence I have seen is contrary to that. I'm not on anyone's side and I'm not dismissing RJ's concerns but I have never read a rebuttal from a mod adressing any of the concerns. I'm just trying to understand what the actual issue is? Is this something personal or is it a valid complaint?
whatacrock's Avatar
I honestly don't understand why people complain about the mods, I see the term thread hijack used but I haven't actually noticed any threads that had been hijacked; I would have assumed that anyone with a Napoleon complex would delete threads such as this one but all the evidence I have seen is contrary to that. I'm not on anyone's side and I'm not dismissing RJ's concerns but I have never read a rebuttal from a mod adressing any of the concerns. I'm just trying to understand what the actual issue is? Is this something personal or is it a valid complaint? Originally Posted by perfectdevil
It's not personal. RJ Whiner's pussy is a lil under the weather. She says her pussy is just hot and dehydrated, the doc told her it was pneumonia...hell, some even say her pussy might possibly have Parkinson's...either way, she's always been a whiny lil red head headed bitch.

She'll claim to be a bonafide internet bad ass, she'll claim you're all cowards with no backbone, but take it easy on her, she's stuck in the mud and can't get out and the fact that the mod ignores her useless rants and raves drives her insane...this is her way of lashing out. Fear not RJ Whiner, I'm sure you're white knight butt buddy is around the corner ready to come to your rescue and challenge some one to a fight or post a useless meme.
rjdiner's Avatar
I honestly don't understand why people complain about the mods, I see the term thread hijack used but I haven't actually noticed any threads that had been hijacked; I would have assumed that anyone with a Napoleon complex would delete threads such as this one but all the evidence I have seen is contrary to that. I'm not on anyone's side and I'm not dismissing RJ's concerns but I have never read a rebuttal from a mod adressing any of the concerns. I'm just trying to understand what the actual issue is? Is this something personal or is it a valid complaint? Originally Posted by perfectdevil
You never will read a rebuttal from a mod either because they know it's true and I can prove it if I'm allowed to reveal some of the PM info I have in my inbox. How about it ew? Do you want to give me a waiver on releasing PM info or are you afraid it will make you look like the small, feckless guy you really are?