Why must you NEVER write fake reviews?

tatasddd's Avatar

The above review is on Charliegirl and was composed by some PGHsean guy. Charliegirl complained on TOS (indys) that this review is fake and she has not had any dealing with PGHsean since some time in 2013.

Now, I don't know whom to believe, but I want to say I am more inclined to believe CG.

In order to gain Premium Access, PGH fabricated a review based on memories from maybe 2013 when he really did see her ASSUMING she will just not say anything and thus he would get his Premium Access so he can read (pointless) for the most part shit.

The consequences from a possible fake review can be devastating, even though they are not very likely to occur, but if there is a 00.001 per cent chance of that happening, you MUST NOT write a fake review.

For one, you are lying. This is NOT fair to your fellow hobbysts.
For two: You MISREPRESENT facts and although CG is a known provider and is safe to see, imagine if this was a BP girl, very little known and actually a LE agent and someone who read the fake review called her for an outcall or went to see her at an incall and got arrested?

These are just some of the consequences that may occur due to some people's unscrupulous behavior. Much more can happen.

Please DO NOT WRITE FAKE REVIEWS. It does NOT do you credit nor does it help anyone.
Fuck off!!!
I can't believe I agree with the Bulgarian Jerk.

Fake reviews do cause unneeded problems. I understand why some folks write them for access but really now, there are so many reasons not to do it.

Better to just stick to writing reviews about your own performance like some folks than to make em up.
berryberry's Avatar
Ha - he is so full of shit. Tattas was caught here posting a fake review before he was banned the last time. Now he writes this. Hysterical.

Yes Ginny - no one should want fake reviews here, I agree with that. But for someone who was caught red handed the last time to post this bullshit is ridiculous.
Ha - he is so full of shit. Tattas was caught here posting a fake review before he was banned the last time. Now he writes this. Hysterical.

Yes Ginny - no one should want fake reviews here, I agree with that. But for someone who was caught red handed the last time to post this bullshit is ridiculous. Originally Posted by berryberry
All true,
but we already know from his record that reading one of tats reviews is just reading all about how he performed, not the lady in question and is still worthless to the average hobbyist.
tatasddd's Avatar
Ha - he is so full of shit. Tattas was caught here posting a fake review before he was banned the last time. Now he writes this. Hysterical.

Yes Ginny - no one should want fake reviews here, I agree with that. But for someone who was caught red handed the last time to post this bullshit is ridiculous. Originally Posted by berryberry
Where is your evidence? Only you know that.
tatasddd's Avatar
Fuck off!!! Originally Posted by rebusknebus
Please follow suit from my thread.
eyecu2's Avatar
Tatas, are you here white-knighting charleygirl or just doing what you do, aka stirring the pot? The review was end of may and your only now bringing this up? Plus is CG had an issue with the review here why didn't she bring it up? I'm always skeptical when a third-party brings up information about something they heard on another website, and then brings it over here as fact. I realize the review is here on this board, but it sounds like your connection with Charlie girl was from over there on TOS. And for that fact, I think there's no way to definitively know who's telling the truth. The review popo has to trust the authors to some extent, but if CharleyGirl wants to corroborate,that may be a different discussion. As of Now, it's a HE said she said, tits said....who you gonna believe, a hooker, a john, or a guy who has been banned and off the board as much he has been on the board. Sorry,but to me there is zero confidence in anything said here except the idea of Not faking reviews. The rest of the details are just meaningless coming from a third party.
tatasddd's Avatar
Tatas, are you here white-knighting charleygirl or just doing what you do, aka stirring the pot? The review was end of may and your only now bringing this up? Plus is CG had an issue with the review here why didn't she bring it up? I'm always skeptical when a third-party brings up information about something they heard on another website, and then brings it over here as fact. I realize the review is here on this board, but it sounds like your connection with Charlie girl was from over there on TOS. And for that fact, I think there's no way to definitively know who's telling the truth. The review popo has to trust the authors to some extent, but if CharleyGirl wants to corroborate,that may be a different discussion. As of Now, it's a HE said she said, tits said....who you gonna believe, a hooker, a john, or a guy who has been banned and off the board as much he has been on the board. Sorry,but to me there is zero confidence in anything said here except the idea of Not faking reviews. The rest of the details are just meaningless coming from a third party. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Dude, number one you have NO idea as to why I was banned, and number 2 I was banned in May so how the fuck do you want me to post it in May? When you write stuff verify your facts and then write. Don't just write shit just to have something to do. I tend to believe CG here. And god forbid someone like PGHsean "reviews" a BP girl and another guy goes and sees her and gets arrested, I don't want to tell you the consequences from it. Lost job, lost wife, lost life. This is what a fake review can lead to and many more things. Instead of dealing with me, concentrate on the post and the topic. I do hope CG intervenes and the mods remove this fake review.
eyecu2's Avatar
Tatas, you are a real drama QUEEN. I can write whatever I want as to contributing here. I would suggest that your verbose post and claim of what bad things can happen are a given since this is A FUCKING HOOKER BOARD" Mearly being on this site and having a spouse find out could mean trouble. Everyone here is an adult and as such assumes responsibility for actions and the consequences. As far as your multiple bans, I don't want or need to know what they are about or why, but you have been exposed as highly exagerrative and very opinionated.
You may not like that fact but it makes your word one that is questionable at best. Only person who caused that is you.
tatasddd's Avatar
Whatever dude. Just chill and do not write fake reviews.
tatasddd's Avatar
For those not on TOS:
As written by CG:

"So recently I was notified that there is a new review on TOS. Authored by Pghsean..... I am curious what the policy is over there when guys write fake reviews to get free access to special areas of the site? I haven't hung out with this guy since May 23rd of 2015! Lolololol it's not a bad review... it's just the principle that he's misleading people to believe that he just seen me recently. I will be contacting moderators over there to let them know but I just thought since he was a member here also I should give everyone a heads up that he's not on the up-and-up with his info if it's outdated. Seems suspicious to me."

For those on TOS:

eyecu2's Avatar
Stop posting shit from the other side. Even if it is from CG, there is no chain of evidence that can be confirmed and it seems someone here is breaking rules about sharing ROS in some fashion whichbi believe is against our rules here. And to solicit drama and stir the pot here or there if for a bunch of whiteknight assholes who are clearly driving an agenda. Not to protect the subject poster,provider or tits; but this is fucking ridiculous and cannot be confirmed without CG reaching out directly to mods here. Tatts, you driving this agenda makes you look very much like a WK, and while there may be good reasons in your world, why don't you take you own advice and just chill. Nobody here needs drama from TOS and the moo moo mafia
berryberry's Avatar
Where is your evidence? Only you know that. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Anyone can go back through the old posts and see - you posted a fake review and were caught and exposed
Tatas is just wanting attention that he is not getting from someone else. He's acting like a drama queen again and just loves stirring the pot to get the attention he ao craves. I was going to ignore him but resistance is futile. It's too much fun annoying him so he can earn another vacation!