Wind farms can cause climate change

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study

Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.

Usually at night the air closer to the ground becomes colder when the sun goes down and the earth cools.

But on huge wind farms the motion of the turbines mixes the air higher in the atmosphere that is warmer, pushing up the overall temperature.

Satellite data over a large area in Texas, that is now covered by four of the world's largest wind farms, found that over a decade the local temperature went up by almost 1C as more turbines are built.

This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms.

It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.
joe bloe's Avatar
These things kill thousands of birds, make noise and they're ugly. It they were profitable, Obama would be shutting them down. We need to use coal, natural gas and nuclear power for our power plants. Wind turbines are a joke.
Mr E's Avatar
  • Mr E
  • 04-30-2012, 03:25 PM
Why do you think orange grooves have fans that get turned on when the temp drops to freezing levels.

Air conditioners cause climate change also.
hahahahahahah run to the king the sky is falling.wind turbines only turn if the wind is blowing,they aren't self propelled. They turn so slow I don't see how they would kill a bird.Airplanes kill more birds then they can.
joe bloe's Avatar
hahahahahahah run to the king the sky is falling.wind turbines only turn if the wind is blowing,they aren't self propelled. They turn so slow I don't see how they would kill a bird.Airplanes kill more birds then they can. Originally Posted by ekim008
Wind turbines kill lots of birds.
ekim, yes, they are killing birds, by the thousands. Not just Eagles. The huge wind farm down in Corpus Chisti Texas is killing pelicans, geese, and gulls, (not that anybody cares about a sea gull).
The large turbines appear to be turning slow, but they have a radius sweep of over 100 feet, the surface feet per minute of the blade tips is faster than a eagle can dive.

A couple of years ago, a Power Company was fined over 5 million dollars because six Eagles had been electrocuted by their cross country transmission lines. I suspect they were fined because they have coal fired plants.

I guess it is ok to kill eagles and other birds by blunt trama, but not electrocution.

This is a problem. As more wind farms go up, the problem will get worse.

Obviously, we have to come up with a solution. We need to develop all of our resources, be it, wind, coal, solar, nuclear, or fossil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Put the turbines next to a poultry processing plant.
there are cross country transmission lines all over the country.From coal nuclear gas.That is how we get electricity.We had a T V tower that birds got killed flying into the down guys. you libs can't protect everything.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I dont think they killed an penguins.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Not the new and improved, EPA approved windfarms! Forward Comrades!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Maybe they (the wind farms) can. If it's so, then you flat-earthers can finally acknowledge that there might actually be man-made climate change. Otherwise, you may want to check the gasseous emissions regularly coming out of your mouths.
joe bloe's Avatar
ekim, yes, they are killing birds, by the thousands. Not just Eagles. The huge wind farm down in Corpus Chisti Texas is killing pelicans, geese, and gulls, (not that anybody cares about a sea gull).
The large turbines appear to be turning slow, but they have a radius sweep of over 100 feet, the surface feet per minute of the blade tips is faster than a eagle can dive.

A couple of years ago, a Power Company was fined over 5 million dollars because six Eagles had been electrocuted by their cross country transmission lines. I suspect they were fined because they have coal fired plants.

I guess it is ok to kill eagles and other birds by blunt trama, but not electrocution.

This is a problem. As more wind farms go up, the problem will get worse.

Obviously, we have to come up with a solution. We need to develop all of our resources, be it, wind, coal, solar, nuclear, or fossil. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not sure we need to develop ALL of our resources. I think we need to let the free market develop the ones that make economic sense. Wind, solar, and ethanol require government subsidies; they should wither and die. Our current energy policy is completely upside down. We discourage highly profitable fossil fuel production that doesn't need government subsidies and generates huge tax revenues while at the same time encouraging impractical alternative energy sources that require huge government subsidies to survive.

I don't think the Democrats give a damn about the environment. Global warming is a hoax. Alternative energy sources are nowhere near sufficient to replace fossil fuels and probably never will be. The left's ecological activities are mainly about crippling captitalism and global redistribution of wealth.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Did randy4littleboys get some computer time for being good?
Windmills contribute as much to climate change as the shit that comes out of the mouths of liberals. Some people couldn't see a con job if it was all laid out and explained to them. Call me a flat earther or whatever you like, I am ot hte one that is buying into the con. Sucker.
Maybe they (the wind farms) can. If it's so, then you flat-earthers can finally acknowledge that there might actually be man-made climate change. Otherwise, you may want to check the gasseous emissions regularly coming out of your mouths. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Flat Earthers. Straight out of Obeagleaters playbook.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
T2Belgian-Waterdogs, having a life sometimes gets in the way of laughing at you and your idiot TP bretheren. I'm allowing myself 30 minutes of comic relief in this forum. So much stupitidy, so few facts, so little time.....