Who do I need to contact if I am having issues with a particular Moderator?

This is a Moderator in the political forum room- here's the run down- on 2-23-17 I received a warning of using a certain phrase in the forum- I accepted the warning and even have the post where I apologized to the person who I offended.
So today, I receive an infraction from the same MOD on the same topic of the previous warning, but for God knows what reason he quotes a comment I made 2-13-17- so he backdated to a date prior to when he issued me the warning.
I think this MOD obviously has an agenda against me and I even pm'ed asking him to please quote a more recent violation after I was issued the warning on 2-23-17. He has yet to respond to my request. I would like an impartial MOD to look at the "unnecessary" infraction because I know it was not warranted.
Can I get an answer from someone please?
You could use the contact us button to the left side of page.
Or contact websupport@eccie.net
But they will side with the mod I can guarantee you that.
I've received a warning from one mod only to get an infraction from another for the same post.
The thing is the mods have their own area where they discuss things before taking actions.
So they know!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
So you're complaining because you called someone a "cunt" and got points for it?

I don't see a Statute of Limitations in the Guidelines: so I suppose that same Mod could go back and check other posts of yours for violations, was he so inclined. Might be a good idea to quit while you're not too far behind.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you're complaining because you called someone a "cunt" and got points for it?

I don't see a Statute of Limitations in the Guidelines: so I suppose that same Mod could go back and check other posts of yours for violations, was he so inclined. Might be a good idea to quit while you're not too far behind. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
not just someone. a provider. if he'd called me that i doubt the mods would even care. this site is is all about providers isn't it? we're just here because they are.

and yes the mods do have a private forum where if needed they can come to a consensus.
So you're complaining because you called someone a "cunt" and got points for it?

I don't see a Statute of Limitations in the Guidelines: so I suppose that same Mod could go back and check other posts of yours for violations, was he so inclined. Might be a good idea to quit while you're not too far behind. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I am not sure if you are familiar with the political forum but it's supposed to be a no holds barred forum with the exception of racial slurs- y slurs were not racial I posted some Jewish jokes that I found on google- very mild ones I might ask- and also Waco Kid also posted a Jewish joke and didn't get reprimanded- nevertheless, I was given a warning- I immediatly stopped the jokes and openly apologized in the forum my comments that was 2-23-17.
The MOD on 3-18-2017 issued my points for the same violation but went further back to 2-14-17- anyone can see that was very childish and he has a personal agenda- it would be the equivalent if I was speeding and the police officer gave me a warning and 30 days later- while obeying the speed limit and officer plus me over and says I am going to write you a ticket for the speeding violation warning I gave you 30 days ago-despite what anyone thinks Nyer- the MOD in question needs to follow the rules- he's not above the law nor does he own this site.
not just someone. a provider. if he'd called me that i doubt the mods would even care. this site is is all about providers isn't it? we're just here because they are.

and yes the mods do have a private forum where if needed they can come to a consensus. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
My warning was for posting jewish jokes that amazingly you posted a jewish joke in that same forum- do you remember or do I need to send you the link?
My warning was for posting jewish jokes that amazingly you posted a jewish joke in that same forum... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Gods and Mods. They're interchangeable around here, and you managed to piss off both of them.

DocHolyday's Avatar
So you're complaining because you called someone a "cunt" and got points for it?

I don't see a Statute of Limitations in the Guidelines: so I suppose that same Mod could go back and check other posts of yours for violations, was he so inclined. Might be a good idea to quit while you're not too far behind. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I don't always agree with JY, but I think he is on point here.

+1 JY. (write that one down in your diary JY) lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My warning was for posting jewish jokes that amazingly you posted a jewish joke in that same forum- do you remember or do I need to send you the link? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

not that i'm under any obligation to tell u but i did get points for it. and u don't see me whining about it openly. maybe u shouldn't either.

so .. about that claim u are being singled out unfairly ... bahhahaaaaaa!
not that i'm under any obligation to tell u but i did get points for it. and u don't see me whining about it openly. maybe u shouldn't either.

so .. about that claim u are being singled out unfairly ... bahhahaaaaaa! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wacko with all due respect there's a lot of inconsistencies in that forum- I have seen several People use the slur fa**ot and nothing happens - call someone at work that word and see if you are not terminated.
I am not whining - I was given a warning on 2-23-17, I openly apologized for making the jokes but the MOD decides to come back nearly 1 month later and issue me points for something I said prior to the warning ?

Also , to the hobbyist the MODS are not GOD and nor will I kiss their asses or anyone else - I didn't joint this site to become "cool" with the MODs - and I don't care if select ones don't like me - if I am not violating rules than leave me alone.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wacko with all due respect there's a lot of inconsistencies in that forum- I have seen several People use the slur fa**ot and nothing happens - call someone at work that word and see if you are not terminated.

that's the way u show respect? bahhaaaa

I am not whining - I was given a warning on 2-23-17, I openly apologized for making the jokes but the MOD decides to come back nearly 1 month later and issue me points for something I said prior to the warning ?

criminals apologize when they get sentenced .. what's your point? and a warning on one post doesn't mean u can't get pointed for another post.

Also , to the hobbyist the MODS are not GOD and nor will I kiss their asses or anyone else - I didn't joint this site to become "cool" with the MODs - and I don't care if select ones don't like me - if I am not violating rules than leave me alone. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
if fagg@t was not allowed in the Political forum we'd all have been banned months ago. it's not. that's not what u or me got pointed for. don't deflect the issue.

if fagg@t was not allowed in the Political forum we'd all have been banned months ago. it's not. that's not what u or me got pointed for. don't deflect the issue.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am not deflecting the issue - so you can't make jokes about Jewish people but you can constantly use a slur towards the homosexual community? Wacko go in a crowded restaurant or bar and yell out the word F****t and see if you are not asked to leave. Or better yet go up to a gay person and call him that word and see if he doesn't take offense to it - you are a very insensitive and homophobic person if you see nothing wrong with that word.
I noticed after 3 days not one MOD has responded way to go !!!
By the way wacko you are hijacking my thread this thread was directed at a MOD
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
By the way wacko you are hijacking my thread this thread was directed at a MOD Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

showing that "respect" again i see. and no i'm not hi-jacking your thread. i'm contributing to the topic at hand.

good luck with that "appeal" .. i've said all i'm going to say here.

over and out!

oh .. and don't hold your breath waiting for any mod's on this issue .. u might turn blue.

rock on Ringo!