NO BAIL RELEASE = gender equity

FatCity's Avatar
this works so well in Chicago, make it FEDERAL!

A 42-page report from the White House Gender Policy Council entitled the "National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality" outlines a "whole of government" approach to ending so-called inequality between men, women, and transgender people. Among the critical steps necessary to remedy disparities between these groups, the White House alleges, is working to overturn cash bail, a legal mechanism that proponents say helps keep violent criminals off the street.
we will work to end cash bail and reform our pretrial system, recognizing the harm these processes cause, particularly for Black women and families

This means anything short of murder and you walk. You get an ankle monitor and go home

full speed ahead into INSANITY
the collective insanity of the left has hit warp speed

and they are warped also
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
criminals are oppressed
FatCity's Avatar
if you want to see this in action....
watch the DAILY Cook County livestream

endless parade of repeat offenders already on ankle monitoring programs committing felonies, then being allowed to walk (again)

Ripmany's Avatar
Bail is when you falsely arrest and pay to get out.
Bail is when you falsely arrest and pay to get out. Originally Posted by Ripmany
... Or when the arrest the proper criminal
and they pay to get out.

Your Vice-President was paying and bailing
them out last summer.

### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
... Or when the arrest the proper criminal
and they pay to get out.

Your Vice-President was paying and bailing
them out last summer.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
That was good job but there need to still find a lawyer and will be falsely charge with a crime.
FatCity's Avatar
Bail is when you falsely arrest and pay to get out. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Bail is a surety bond that you'll return for a later trial and sentencing.
You don't seem to know how the US Justice System works.
You may be one of the morons who runs from/resists police because you have no concept that there are other stages of the legal process and that police are judge, jury and issue sentencing after they arrest you.

The NO BAIL benevolent theory is directed at those I just described. Guess what happens when they see there is no immediate consequence to their actions? They get picked up for felony shoplifting or rape, get booked, go to pre-trial a day later and are released with zero penalty and are told they'd better come back for trial? They can't process any of that shit....they'll skip the court date, get a bench warrant issued, and go through the entire process all over again
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2021, 04:54 AM
it is just a Democrat party revolving door

deliberately done to de-stabilize American jurisprudence and public safety
Because of the whine- 'Institutional Racism" from the Democrat Communists.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Progressives fantasy land ,,,, We all lose