TATTOOED ASIAN KIM has left the building !!!
( one week ago )

I thoroughly enjoyed a FESTIVE FOUR WEEKS in Austin !!!
I already miss you all !!!
Hopefully, I will visit ATX again !!!
xoxo Tattooed Asian Kim
Thank god she is gone
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-06-2014, 09:29 AM
Bye Kim! I enjoyed your off the wall comments, your stratospheric rate requests (gave me a chuckle when I would see you trolling IOS for business). Please come back soon & check in to keep us entertained.

"Kim says goodbye to ATX"

Best Wishes!

Bye Kim! I enjoyed your off the wall comments, your stratospheric rate requests (gave me a chuckle when I would see you trolling IOS for business). Please come back soon & check in to keep us entertained.

"Kim says goodbye to ATX"

Best Wishes!

ToYz Originally Posted by Toyz
Toyz - That is awesome!
warms's Avatar
  • warms
  • 04-06-2014, 01:10 PM
Toyz is of course going to accuse me of being a WK, as is his MO, but I just don't understand why it's ok to be a douche bag to providers just because they spoke freely and didn't defer to the boyz club on every matter.

I had great times with TAK and hope she comes back to visit soon.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-06-2014, 02:16 PM
Toyz is of course going to accuse me of being a WK, as is his MO, but I just don't understand why it's ok to be a douche bag to providers just because they spoke freely and didn't defer to the boyz club on every matter.

I had great times with TAK and hope she comes back to visit soon. Originally Posted by warms

First off...I had a lot of fun with TAK discussing things in her odd way of looking at them. If you had a single sense of humor you might get that my response here was in a teasing manner and not being a douche bag. She was unique, that's a fact. If you'll go re-read some of the posts, you'll see her be pretty much a bitch at several she got some of the same responses back at her.

Everyone is thrilled that you had a great time with her. If her rates were more acceptable I might have even dove in to see what she is made of...if nothing else for interesting conversations.

And you went after me in your post even making sure to single me out lets not get too defensive over something (me calling you a WK) that had not even happened yet.

Man, I HATE when someone makes something up and then acts as if its fact...

Man, I HATE when someone makes something up and then acts as if its fact... Originally Posted by Toyz
Toyz I hate how you're always probably going to react some day. In fact I can just see it happening now right here in my head and I'm getting really pissed off. Cut it out!
lol you boys play nice now before I have to take things into my own hands lol or mouth...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-06-2014, 04:27 PM
Toyz I hate how you're always probably going to react some day. In fact I can just see it happening now right here in my head and I'm getting really pissed off. Cut it out! Originally Posted by Listener

You hear the music but you STILL go into the water...I don't understand...
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Bye TAK..hope you come back soon. I too enjoyed some of your comments. Glad you had such a good time here and hope you come back to this wonderful city.
Thank god she is gone Originally Posted by 124rg

Bye Kim! I enjoyed your off the wall comments, your stratospheric rate requests (gave me a chuckle when I would see you trolling IOS for business). Please come back soon & check in to keep us entertained.

"Kim says goodbye to ATX"

Best Wishes!

ToYz Originally Posted by Toyz

ISO ROLLS UGHHHHH SMH now she is back with more DRAMA in her winter wardrobe at that! It's hot iN TX