Little David Hogg quits the pillow business.

bambino's Avatar
A typical libtard. Thought it was easy to start a company. What a publicity stunt for this attention whore.

Sweet dreams
pfunkdenver's Avatar
A typical libtard. Thought it was easy to start a company. What a publicity stunt for this attention whore.

Sweet dreams Originally Posted by bambino
He's a Parkland shooting survivor, right?
bambino's Avatar
He's a Parkland shooting survivor, right? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
If you mean he didn’t get shot, yes. And he’s made himself famous because of it. Other students quietly went about their lives.
lustylad's Avatar
He's at Harvard now. Gee, I wonder if his high school grades got him in, or whether it was the fact he is a darling of the libtard left?

Another question - Did he pay for his shares in the "Good Pillow" company? Or were they gifted to him for being a left-wing activist? If he had to buy shares, I assume he wouldn't be surrendering them for nothing. Ditto if the company was doing well.
bambino's Avatar
He's at Harvard now. Gee, I wonder if his high school grades got him in, or whether it was the fact he is a darling of the libtard left?

Another question - Did he pay for his shares in the "Good Pillow" company? Or were they gifted to him for being a left-wing activist? If he had to buy shares, I assume he wouldn't be surrendering them for nothing. Ditto if the company was doing well. Originally Posted by lustylad
He needs time for his “studies” and activism. I’m sure he’s being groomed as the next Obama. Maybe they’ll put him in black face?
lustylad's Avatar
He's a Parkland shooting survivor, right? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Hey Denverfunk, pick up the red courtesy phone:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He's at Harvard now. Gee, I wonder if his high school grades got him in, or whether it was the fact he is a darling of the libtard left?

Another question - Did he pay for his shares in the "Good Pillow" company? Or were they gifted to him for being a left-wing activist? If he had to buy shares, I assume he wouldn't be surrendering them for nothing. Ditto if the company was doing well. Originally Posted by lustylad

there never was a company. apparently not even a legal entity let alone an actual manufacturing facility. seems Harvard Boy didn't read his textbooks on trademarks and announced on twittybird his "company" would be named "Good Pillow"

so .. Hoggy got taken to school by a "Trump supporting" attorney who found they hadn't registered for a trademark. so he did and now he owns the name.


i bet the real reason is this attorney "ransomed" the name to Hoggy for a price and none of his "investors" if any would pony up to buy the name "back"

end of story.

Trump-Supporting Attorney Says He Trademarked 'Good Pillow' Before David Hogg, William LeGate

By Anders Anglesey On 4/11/21 at 11:22 AM EDT

A Donald Trump-supporting attorney announced he trademarked Good Pillow before gun control activist David Hogg—and suggested it is "a good brand to put on pillows with a pro-gun civil rights message."

Firearms patent and trademark attorney Ben Langlotz revealed he had "scooped" Hogg in an April 5 post on his website titled "how I taught a Harvard Boy a lesson about trademarks."

He said: "I was surfing Twitter one evening in February when I ran across a story about David Hogg's new scheme."

The scheme Langlotz referred to was Hoog's February 9 announcement on Twitter that his and co-founder William LeGate's planned company name would be Good Pillow.

Langlotz said it had given him "a wonderful, awful idea."

"Could this political attention-hogg have made the ultimate product announcement blunder?" he wrote.

"I've seen it countless times: the new product is announced, but the company didn't apply first to register the trademark.

"I quickly clicked over to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and searched Good Pillow: Nothing filed."

Langlotz said he filed the request in order to "undermine his (Hogg) nefarious leftist plans" or to "own the libs," and that he intends to offer pillows under the brand name.

Two trademark applications have been made for the use of the "Good Pillow" branding, according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office database.

One was filed on February 9, when Langlotz tweeted: "This Harvard genius didn't realize that our trademark system gives rights to the first application. I actually just filed and he's going to have to pick another brand. I think this is a good brand to put on pillows with a pro-gun civil rights message."

A separate application was logged on February 11.

Langlotz has previously tweeted favorably about Trump, writing on Twitter in January that "Trump was the first thing the GOP did well in my lifetime," and called the former president a "True American hero," in March.

Newsweek has contacted Langlotz, as well as LeGate and Hogg for comment.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He's a Parkland shooting survivor, right? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
He was at Parkland but at a different building on campus.

He'll be biting pillows in the near future.
Kid's just a paid shill for Bloomberg fighting a fake enemy (the NRA) that only represents aging Fudds who like to hunt.

If he were serious about gun control, he'd be taking on GOA and other orgs who treat 2A as the only thing standing in the way of tyranny.
bambino's Avatar
The kids a smug little punk. Reminds of a certain other Ivy Leaguer.
winn dixie's Avatar
That little pussy lost a pillow fight!
He's a Parkland shooting survivor, right? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
No, he's a parkland shooting crisis actor. He had already graduated.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
No, he's a parkland shooting crisis actor. He had already graduated. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You're lying! He was a senior.

You should be ashamed!
You're lying! He was a senior.

You should be ashamed! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
I am not ashamed, I know the truth. You should be ashamed for not knowing it.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck that lying opportunist. Hes got zero credibility!