Newbie Here--Help?

NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Hey My Names Vanessa, Out of the Pensacola Area.
I have a couple reviews on here, and a friend of mine told me I
Should try out Eccie. So here I am, and Im lost
Cpalmson's Avatar
Hello Vanessa and welcome to the community.

So far you have taken the right steps to join in our little fun. The next step is up to you. I recommend you read the guidelines: Especially read the links about provider advertising. Do you want to be a verified provider? I'm assuming that is what you want b/c it give you the ability to participate as a recognized provider. Here are the steps needed to become verified-- they are really simple:

Ladies, as registered members, you are allowed to post an introduction in this thread. This is just an introduction and not to be implied as a solicitation of any type. If you wish to post an ad as a provider, you must become verified. Verification process is listed below.

Submit your info to the staff at

1. website address (your website or advertising site)-- for example Backpage ad
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

In addition, If you are advertising you are under age 21 you must submit proof to that you are 18 or over to become a Verified Provider on Eccie. We require photocopy of your Drivers Licence or state issued ID and your location. Real name and address hidden, but birthdate and photo must be visible, along with your username. And proof of age MAY be requested of ANYONE seeking VP status, regardless of their stated age. Please submit his info separately from the info you sent to your local staff for verification.

The verification process could take 24-48 hours.

Since you already have some reviews here, all I really need is your official request and your age. If you are under 25, I may request that you send your age verification to the e-mail address stated in the red paragraph above. Ball is in your court!