Found the solution to school shootings

Seemed like every week we had some teens shooting each other in schools before the pandemic, now with kids staying home and taking classes online, haven't heard of any school shootings, maybe 2020-2021 will be record lows for school shootings.

Guess the solution was to just remove the kids from school, not take away the guns, lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Or was it they did not have to see the school head shrink ????
Next Best Thing's Avatar
bf forgot to specifically demonize white males in his ridiculous post, as such does not pass the smell test for be included in Dementia Joe's narrative.

Not sure if there's still time to edit.
alphonse1948's Avatar
Gaadeeration rates for 2020 r thru da rooof
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Gaadeeration rates for 2020 r thru da rooof Originally Posted by alphonse1948
Can't test for what was never taught ????
haven't heard of any school shootings Originally Posted by bf0082
Of course you haven't heard of any because they all happened in Democratic Cities and the media just does press releases for the DNC In 2020 85 children were shot and killed. A 130% increase from 2019 At home learning is more deadly than being in school
Of course you haven't heard of any because they all happened in Democratic Cities and the media just does press releases for the DNC In 2020 85 children were shot and killed. A 130% increase from 2019 At home learning is more deadly than being in school
Originally Posted by NBruno
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Of course you haven't heard of any because they all happened in Democratic Cities and the media just does press releases for the DNC In 2020 85 children were shot and killed. A 130% increase from 2019 At home learning is more deadly than being in school
Originally Posted by NBruno
and safer at school over home for C19, yet many schools closed in, did not look up but city schools near me CLOSED for C19 by teach union where its safer not to get C19 ever per Gov Andy

Don't get ahead of Andy, but its ok to not keep up with Andy
Of course you haven't heard of any because they all happened in Democratic Cities... Originally Posted by NBruno
Ah yes, the mating cry of the North American Derp. "It wuz a Democrat!"
Easy to spot, just look for a stream of BS, and a 'MURICA! sticker on a rusty F-150.

Actual reality: 52 school-shooting districts are held by Republicans.

Michael Turner (Republican) - 10
Mike Conaway (Republican) - 8
Brian Babin (Republican) - 8

Those are just the first three on the "Not a Democrat" list.

Mitch McConnell (Republican), had blocked all attempts to reform gun laws to stem violence,
stating he didn't want to do anything unless TRUMP agreed, as to not alienate his "voter base".

You know... beer, gunracks, and Dee-dee-dee levels of reasoning.
lilylivered's Avatar
Reform gun laws to stem violence....

What planet are you from
An increasing percentage of guns used in crimes were from a legal source, even though the person getting it
wouldn't have been able to normally buy one due to past offences, because of loopholes in vendor policy.

Loopholes need to be closed. Any reduction in past felons getting guns would be a help.
Nobody needs an AK-47, AR-15 and an AA-12 to go "duck hunting". The right to bear
arms was written in 1791, people were using muskets and flintlocks.

As for illegal guns, not much we can do. Guy shoots someone, they give him cable TV and three meals a day,
ninety appeals, and family saying "He wuz a gud boy!". F*** that. Death penalty is overdue for an express lane.

What planet? One that thinks. Try visiting.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
An increasing percentage of guns used in crimes were from a legal source, even though the person getting it
wouldn't have been able to normally buy one due to past offences, because of loopholes in vendor policy.

Loopholes need to be closed. Any reduction in past felons getting guns would be a help.
Nobody needs an AK-47, AR-15 and an AA-12 to go "duck hunting". The right to bear
arms was written in 1791, people were using muskets and flintlocks.

As for illegal guns, not much we can do. Guy shoots someone, they give him cable TV and three meals a day,
ninety appeals, and family saying "He wuz a gud boy!". F*** that. Death penalty is overdue for an express lane.

What planet? One that thinks. Try visiting. Originally Posted by Nubom70
ah duck hunting is with a shotgun Sir

and even a lever action was once military. During Civil War
buffalomw10's Avatar
Wasn’t most mass shooters crazy nut cases? How come nobody mentioned those fine folks and how to keep guns out of their hands?
Of course you haven't heard of any because they all happened in Democratic Cities and the media just does press releases for the DNC In 2020 85 children were shot and killed. A 130% increase from 2019 At home learning is more deadly than being in school
Originally Posted by NBruno
I keep hearing democratic cities, when looking at the map of the USA, I see no Republican cities of 1M or more anywhere in the USA, and if there is their statistics are the same as their population comparative counterparts....

I cringe every time some ignorant person uses the term, democratic cities.... like saying the orange, oranges... lol

I cringe every time some ignorant person uses the term, democratic cities.... like saying the orange, oranges... lol Originally Posted by bf0082
School will reopen soon enough and those crazies can all go shoot each other again soon enough