Solar power

barrythawne's Avatar
Nope, not a thread about clean energy and saving money. I'm solar powered I think. This nonstop rain has got me feeling restless, sluggish, and ready for a nice, pretty day to get out and recharge.

Weather reports say it should start clearing up tomorrow and then back to rain next week. Crossing fingers!

Just thought I would share. haha!
Not sure how to reply to this so I'll just tell a joke to keep it going...

A dung beetle walks into a bar and says "Is this stool taken?"
barrythawne's Avatar
haha! Guess there really is no way to respond. I was just killing time while it was raining.

But I guess I'll respond with a joke I heard the other day.

What's the difference between a chick pea and a garbanzo bean?

I wouldn't let a garbanzo bean on my face. ����