Khandi Marie

I saw Khandi for her last little stay here. It was nice. She was gorgeous and have a lovely set of boobs. Said she would be back. I messaged her less than a week ago to inquire when. She said a couple days from then but she had content for sale so I asked about it to get me by til she got here. I decided to buy what was suppose to be a 5 min video for 25 bucks. I received a 7 second video. She stated her iPhone was being stupid. She then didn't reply again. So she gets to town and I try to schedule another visit. She has ghosted me completely wont reply at all. I really hope the 25 dollars was worth it.
Y Guy58's Avatar
That's why I never buy content from anyone.There is a very few that you can buy something from or let have money and they will do what they said they would. Could count them on one hand and still have fingers left