Interesting read here

One has to wonder if there could be other ramifications.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Old news actually.
Of course the feds have professional IT guys. Nothing new on that, and, they are very very good.
matchingmole's Avatar
I suspect they are.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Old news actually.
Of course the feds have professional IT guys. Nothing new on that, and, they are very very good. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Mostly they’re contractors.

Pro tip: Join the navy and try to get into cryptology, or some tangential field. The clearance alone is worth millions in the private sector.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Nothing new big tech is watching everything
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2021, 08:25 AM
This is kind of related. Wear a mask to prevent government from tracking your every move:

This is great news! Now I have a good excuse to wear a mask every day for the rest of my life!
Old news actually.
Of course the feds have professional IT guys. Nothing new on that, and, they are very very good. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
They don't. The govt can procure good IT contractors if they want to.

Remember all the "Wiped? You mean with a cloth?" This and other instances of various IT professionals who could have recovered backups but the govt didn't pursue.

The San Bernidido shooters Apple phones that the govt could not crack? An Australian firm cracked it for them after Apple rightly refused.

The DNC servers that supposedly "hacked by Russians?" They have no real evidence it was Russians. Crowdstrike even admitted it. Crowdstrike said the report it submitted to to the govt was a "draft."

Many instances of smaller city and state govt servers held for Ransomware that the FBI couldn't do anything about. The recent pipeline recovery of bitcoin is fishy. Who leaves millions of dollars of BTC on an American server that the US govt can reach into? How do they get the wallet password? The perpetrators were "leveraged."

It wasn't US Govt IT.
To build off what gnadfly's saying:

The government doesn't have experts, they contract them, and then often misquote them. I've watched intelligence committee meetings where the NSA, CIA, and FBI were asking for things that are wholly antithetical to a secure networking environment, and like a psychotic idiot CEO, they had no idea what they were asking for or what they were talking about, only that it be done. Thankfully the folks in the committee where a bit more well read on the topic and told them to fuck off.
rexdutchman's Avatar
5> G that's what it all about