I changed my rates and services some time ago. My website accurately reflects my current rates.
If you submit a contact/screening form to me, at the bottom of that page is a check box that says "you have read my site entirely and understand my rates, etiquette and review policies". You cannot submit my form without checking that box. So if you have not read my site, or even looked at my current rates it would be prudent to not submit the form until you have.
I am literally getting requests for appointments, and I am having to clarify this and it seems some are blindly checking the box and submitting.
I literally had a gentleman show up the other day with the incorrect amount for the appointment. I had to turn him away, he was not happy, but I wasn't either. It was wasted time for both of us.
Again, I apologize to this gentleman, but I have clearly laid everything out on my site.