10 Ways to Know You've Had Good Sex

BabyDallass's Avatar
10 Ways to Know You've Had Good Sex1. Your mattress has turned into a giant sponge.

2. It takes five minutes to unknot your bodies.

3. An earthquake of 3.4 on the Richter Scale is recorded in your area.

4. The cat's exhausted from just watching you.

5. A trampoline company has to come to adjust your bed springs.

6 You've both gone down one clothing size.

7. You cancel your chiropractic appointment. There's nothing left to adjust.

8. You have to breathe into a brown paper bag.

9. Boy, are you hungry!

10. You're absolutely satisfied yet uncontrollably horny at the same time.
shorty's Avatar
I can definitely relate to most of them, if not all of them!!
arkansasflyer's Avatar
My list

10. It's with a woman
9. She has a pulse
8. She does it willingly, not out of guilt or to apease you
7. She doesn't say its been 6 weeks quit being selfish
6. She doesn't say hurryup I have a show coming on
5. She doesn't say..I can't do that my TMJ is acting up
4. She doesn't say turn off all the lights
3. She doesn't come to bed wearing her grandmothers nightclothes
2. She doesn't say I haven't shaved in a month
1. She initiates

Anything else is just icing on the cake for me.