Reading my Own Reviews?

How come I don't have the ability or access to read my own reviews?
rcinokc's Avatar
Can you not read them at all, or just the ROS. ROS could be off limits to you since you don't have PA.
I cant read any part of them. I get sent to a splash page saying I don't have permission. I would get that if it were other contributors reviews. But I would think I should have access to every word of every review Ive posted here.
You are likely trying to access/read reviews prior to approximately Mar 2018. That was when the site shutdown and changed the format and the access privileges to comply with the new, harsher, easier to enforce trafficking laws. All reviews prior to that timeframe are accessible only to those with PA; even your own reviews requires you to have PA.

Those reviews contain items that suggest pay for play, such as price of the visit, length (in minutes/hours), the words "incall & outcall" which suggest a workplace for sex and some other items I don't really remember. This could be construed to suggest trafficking in addition to promoting prostitution.

By locking these reviews from the general public & requiring some form of payment, such as paid PA or submitting an encounter report to access them, in some way it's part of trying to keep the site on the legal (albeit gray) area of the law and not attract undo attention.

Another issue in the past is credit card processors have been hesitant to accept payments thru sex sites such as this for the same reasons that made them potentially liable for money laundering. I don't know if that's part of the change or not.

gman44's Avatar
Yes, you need PA to be able to access old reviews