~50% of Black Chicago Murders and other Crimes are actually being committed by Whites

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I know yall dont want to admit this but its happening and it's real. This also explains away the fake news problem of black on black crime in Chicago and other places. It's not actually blacks committing murders and robberies...its whites committing these crimes 50% of the time and blaming them on blacks. It's getting worse...so now you know why Fox News be so eager to report gang violence in Chicago...its not actually blacks but whites dressing up in silicone suits with fake hands and all. So sad...but here's the proof...and I dont wanna hear any sob excuses from you guys...this shit is happening and it explains Chicago in particular

That's how they role in Chicago. In fact if I am not mistaken the company that makes those masks is located on Michigan Ave. just a few blocks away from Police Headquarters.

  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2018, 08:39 PM
Hilarious! There's an epidemic of white people with black people masks and silicone hands killing black people.

About 70% to 75% of the murderers and homicide victims in Chicago are black. This is despite blacks only comprising 33% of the population.

The Democratic politicians who control the city and the police department are in large part responsible for creating the conditions that lead to this disparity between the size of the black population (33%) and the number of black homicide victims/murderers (70% to 75%).

I don't know who you're getting your news from, but they're a hell of a lot nuttier than the people at Fox.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You can drop the act. 70-75% of the victims are indeed black but 50-55% of the perpetrators are white men in black silicon...this thread proves what we in the black community already know. I will not allow you to try in vain to dismiss this out of convenience for your flawed cause
  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2018, 09:00 PM
You can drop the act. 70-75% of the victims are indeed black but 50-55% of the perpetrators are white men in black silicon...this thread proves what we in the black community already know. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think you're kidding, but I'm not sure.
You fo' realz SC? Next thing you know there will be some posters here claiming they are black who aren't.

Thanks for the backing link too!
  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2018, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE=gnadfly;1060871114] Next thing you know there will be some posters here claiming they are black who aren't./QUOTE]

I think this is his first step in coming out of the closet

You can drop the act. 70-75% of the victims are indeed black but 50-55% of the perpetrators are white men in black silicon...this thread proves what we in the black community already know. I will not allow you to try in vain to dismiss this out of convenience for your flawed cause Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Are the perpetrators white cops?

I know yall dont want to admit this but its happening and it's real. This also explains away the fake news problem of black on black crime in Chicago and other places. It's not actually blacks committing murders and robberies...its whites committing these crimes 50% of the time and blaming them on blacks. It's getting worse...so now you know why Fox News be so eager to report gang violence in Chicago...its not actually blacks but whites dressing up in silicone suits with fake hands and all. So sad...but here's the proof...and I dont wanna hear any sob excuses from you guys...this shit is happening and it explains Chicago in particular

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You read that in the National Enquirer...that is the place you get all your facts...right SC?
Perfect! A notion that forms a nice bookend to stick on the end of the shelf opposite from the loons who buy into the Alex Jones conspiracy theories!
You can drop the act. 70-75% of the victims are indeed black but 50-55% of the perpetrators are white men in black silicon...this thread proves what we in the black community already know. I will not allow you to try in vain to dismiss this out of convenience for your flawed cause Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Well, fuck you caught us! I thought we could get away with it but now the gig is up.

You are a smart "person". On behalf of all old white people, I now admit that in consultation with the FBI crime statistics division, it has actually been known for a long time that white bastards have been wearing masks, adopting stereotypical black mannerisms, and robbing liquor stores, dealing drugs, and beating up prostitutes who likely were wondering about dick size stereotypes.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I will not allow you to try in vain to dismiss this out of convenience for your flawed cause Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You can drop the act. 70-75% of the victims are indeed black but 50-55% of the perpetrators are white men in black silicon...this thread proves what we in the black community already know. I will not allow you to try in vain to dismiss this out of convenience for your flawed cause Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This just might catch on in other cities, Atlanta, Detroit, LA even New Orleans. Hell it might even become an Olympic sport.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those masks, how effective are they?
A million excuses for why are children grow up to be violent.