Kate's law

Please take a look at this link and if you feel led to, please sign the petition. I know some of you may not like O'Reilly and that's ok. This is not about him. Make your voice count.


pyramider's Avatar
That is a little vague.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 11:09 AM
Please take a look at this link and if you feel led to, please sign the petition. I know some of you may not like O'Reilly and that's ok. This is not about him. Make your voice count.


Juliette Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
Are you out of your mind? You want to house illegals , whose only crime is coming back to this country looking for work , for five years? Do you know how much that would cost?
BigLouie's Avatar
Three meals a day. Getting paid for work, clean place to sleep for 5 years. Hell people be turning themselves in for this deal.
Thanks for your input. I knew I would get some flack for my post. I don't want to start a big long debate. I am not asking for your views or opinions. I am only asking those who feel led to please sign the petition. We all have our opinions and we may not all agree on this petition and that's ok. We have that choice. I am simply putting it out there for those who may want to know about it. It's as simple as making a choice. Perhaps some of you aren't aware of the sanctuary cities and states that are defying a federal law relative to the various government agencies being required to assist the federal government with their illegal immigrants. In 1996 a federal law was passed called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Contrary to this law, many of these governments are officially or unofficially defying the law and have passed various local policies to ignore the federal law and not question the status of suspected illegal immigrants. Those in defiance of the law prefer to call them undocumented workers and help protect the illegal immigrants from being deported. What if this was your daughter, sister, mother that got killed. I would much rather see him in jail versus the streets?


Thanks everyone for your consideration.
Three meals a day. Getting paid for work, clean place to sleep for 5 years. Hell people be turning themselves in for this deal. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I B Hankering's Avatar
Please take a look at this link and if you feel led to, please sign the petition. I know some of you may not like O'Reilly and that's ok. This is not about him. Make your voice count.


Juliette Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
I thought "Kate's Law" was to say that any undocumented Alien WITH A FELONY CONVICTION would be subject to arrest and incarceration for 5 years.
I thought "Kate's Law" was to say that any undocumented Alien WITH A FELONY CONVICTION would be subject to arrest and incarceration for 5 years. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sorry that you are confused. As stated in the petition, “Kate’s Law,” would mandate a five-year federal prison sentence for illegal immigrants "who are deported" but illegally re-enter the United States.

The illegal immigrants who get deported are convicted felons. This is why they are deported.

Read more: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/07/...#ixzz3g5uilWKP
  • DSK
  • 07-16-2015, 04:25 PM
Are you out of your mind? You want to house illegals , whose only crime is coming back to this country looking for work , for five years? Do you know how much that would cost? Originally Posted by WTF
Why don't you sneak into North Korea and look for work. I'm sure they are every bit as enlightened as you.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE ILLEGALS WHO COME TO THIS COUNTRY LOOKING FOR WORK. Read the petition. This is concerning illegal immigrants who commit felony's like murder, rape, burglary, and etc.

Are you out of your mind? You want to house illegals , whose only crime is coming back to this country looking for work , for five years? Do you know how much that would cost? Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 05:23 PM
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE ILLEGALS WHO COME TO THIS COUNTRY LOOKING FOR WORK. Read the petition. This is concerning illegal immigrants who commit felony's like murder, rape, burglary, and etc.

Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
It is all encompassing. ... which means it would treat the immigrants who were caught working and deported and recrossed the border exactly as it would a rapist. Something you seem not to understand.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 05:25 PM
Why don't you sneak into North Korea and look for work. I'm sure they are every bit as enlightened as you. Originally Posted by DSK
You want me to find you some North Korean sex slaves?
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE ILLEGALS WHO COME TO THIS COUNTRY LOOKING FOR WORK. Read the petition. This is concerning illegal immigrants who commit felony's like murder, rape, burglary, and etc.

Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
I'm sorry, girl, but none of that is contained in the petition letter you posted in your link.
I'm sorry, girl, but none of that is contained in the petition letter you posted in your link. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, it's not. It's a blanket petition that smacks of anti-immigration hate. Big surprise coming from mr. bigot himself, Bill O'Jizzy.
Lol. It states " illegal immigrants that are DEPORTED." Who do you think is getting Deported? Felonies! This means that the petition is asking that those who commit major crimes such as burglary, rape, kidnapping, selling major drugs, and etc. who is deported , and comes back into the states is put in jail for returning. If you commit a major crime in the USA AND YOU ARE HERE ILLEGALLY, YOU GET DEPORTED. I dont know how else to explain it. He doesnt explain it in the same fashion because most people know when an illegal immigrant has committed a major crime, he gets deported. This is what the petion is for.