wet hair?

Lexxxy's Avatar
Do you mind showing up to a provider with wet hair?
If someone is seeing me before 11am or on short notice i will most likely have wet hair.
I have never had anyone complain ever BUT tonight at my bar i overheard some guys bitching about wet hair and how gross and sticky it is. I never thought about it. Am i failing without knowing it?
If I'm seeing someone at 8am that means i have to get up at 6 to have wet hair or at 5 to have dry hair, obviously i take that hour of sleep instead so that I'm a lot more fun on the date haha.
I'm not a man (obviously) but I get alot of "I think its sexy" comments when I do it, but I am like you, I don't feel completely dressed when I'm a wet head.

P.S. Thanks for the LONNGGGGG talk today,, you are a sweety!

OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Yes......... unless I took part in getting your hair wet then yes I mind. I also expect makeup to be applied and for you to be dressed to please. Anything less signals to me a lack of preparation and a low quality appointment.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Oh God i won't even take my garbage out without full makeup and perfect nails. i also wear thigh highs every date and Nighties or lingerie.
i guess I'm dropping the ball with wet hair.
Maybe I'll make a note in ads saying gents wanting dry hair don't qualify for a special because i have to put an extra hour into getting ready
Is it worth putting a blurb on my contact sheet about if you want dry hair or wet?
Usually if a gent wants a date only like an hour after contact i flat out tell them my hair will be wet when they are booking.
Pistolero's Avatar
Wet hair signals me that the sheets are hot. Someone else just left and you were taking a shower. Not a good thought.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Holy shit i never thought of that! That would gross me the Fuck out! I'm an ocd germaphobe(well documented in upset Lmfao) i don't like the idea of being where others have just been! Warm public chairs or toilet seats turn my stomach. i wouldn't like that thought at all if i was a gent.
I usually have wet hair in the morning because of nights like tonight. I won't be out of my bar until about 4:30am, i have to go home, eat a dinner, and nap because i have to get up at 6am to get ready for a date i have at 8am. This guy must not mind my wet hair because he sees me twice a month before church Lmfao.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Wet hair signals me that the sheets are hot. Someone else just left and you were taking a shower. Not a good thought. Originally Posted by Pistolero
Agreed. However, it at least means that you DID take a shower. I generally assume that there was a guy there not long before me and will be another one not long after I'm gone. I would rather meet you with wet hair than with a pile of used baby wipes in the trash can that you used for clean up in between
Lexxxy's Avatar
I'm SO happy i asked!!!!! Seriously these things never crossed my mind. I was thinking the exact opposite like shower fresh and clean.
High volume is disgusting and i know that the thought would deter me from seeing someone if it crossed my mind.
I asked my morning date today if he disliked my wet hair and he said he doesn't care if i wear a clown wig and a bathrobe because he's there for the service and skills and couldn't care less about anything but that and my wolfgang puck coffee after Lmfao .
I ignorantly assumed most men felt that way. I'm as we speak pulling up my site to add a comment about wet hair and preference request.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Oh yea and wet hair in the summer feels nice and refreshing. Wet hair in the winter is fuckin cold and can cause shrinkage
Lexxxy's Avatar
Hot off the press:

*It was recently brought to my attention that some Gents dislike wet hair. If you dislike wet hair please tell me and book in advance so I have the extra hour I need to blowdry my hair. Thank You.
Wouldn't it really depend on the time of day?

I mean if you ( the hobbyist ) are arriving at 8AM and her hair is damp from the shower that wouldn't necessarily mean her sheets are "hot" now would it?

Personally I allow my hair to air dry as long as possible before frying it, and do the makeup, stockings and other things first, but that's just me.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Wouldn't it really depend on the time of day?

I mean if you ( the hobbyist ) are arriving at 8AM and her hair is damp from the shower that wouldn't necessarily mean her sheets are "hot" now would it?

Personally I allow my hair to air dry as long as possible before frying it, and do the makeup, stockings and other things first, but that's just me. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
That was my school of thought. I look like Ronald McDonald if i mess with my hair too much
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Ladies......... Let me clarify my comment. By no means do I personally have a major problem with wet hair though other guys do. Wet hair for an early morning appointment shouldn't be unexpected. Yet dry hair would indicate the lady went all out. Does that make sense??? IMHO wet hair in the afternoon or evening indicates to me a lack of preparation. It isn't a deal breaker for me but it doesn't indicate you are bringing your A game. I'd rather you be clean and fresh with wet hair than ......... well you know. Still, I find nothing about wet hair sexy unless I had some part in making it wet.

Buy a shower cap at Rite Aid. Washing your hair several times a day isn't healthy for it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
My perso0nal thoughts on wet hair are derived from the expectations that are created from the photos and descriptions of the lady. I am buying an illusion that should attempt to create a reality to me for an hour or so.
If I was attracted to how a provider looks in wet hair, it would be fine but, if I am attracted to the carefully coiffed do then I am hoping there is a resemblance to better make the illusion real.

The real question should be, would you go to any other job with wet hair? Would you show up at an office job with wet hair?
Lexxxy's Avatar
My perso0nal thoughts on wet hair are derived from the expectations that are created from the photos and descriptions of the lady. I am buying an illusion that should attempt to create a reality to me for an hour or so.
If I was attracted to how a provider looks in wet hair, it would be fine but, if I am attracted to the carefully coiffed do then I am hoping there is a resemblance to better make the illusion real.

The real question should be, would you go to any other job with wet hair? Would you show up at an office job with wet hair? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yes for years haha I guess I'm a weirdo. I would come back from my hour lunch with wet hair sometimes too because I'd go to the salon down the street and get my hair cut on break but didn't have time to get it blow dried.

I completely understand what you mean though. In most of my pics I have "just got humped" wild ginger hair so I don't have much to live up to Lmfao. I was recently painted and she said my hair was so easy because there was no pattern to follow.