Houston Texas "HERO" Ordinance Goes Down In Defeat

Voters in Houston yesterday voted down Mayor Parker's signature piece of Legislation by a 2 to 1 margine.

The Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, coined "HERO", turned into a side show of some really strange partners. The most vocal opposition came from the Black Pastors of local Churches, who look at it as condoning a lifestyle that their faith finds reprehensible, combined with White Evangelicles.

In truth, the most affective campaign was lead by those who simply said,......."do you want boys in your girl's locker rooms and bath rooms"?

Of course, this was just the opening salvo. I suspect the LGBT community will simply look to the courts for satisfaction.

And, on the very day that Houston says "NO", President Obama says that school districts must provide the same facilities to TransGendered students as boys and girls. I'm not sure how this will affect the Houston vote, but I suspect the voters in Houston are in for a big surprise, or rude awakening, depending on your viewpoint.

I think Mayor Parker has been a good mayor, her view on Houston has always been, "the business of Houston is, Business". And I am sure her heart is in the right place. Everybody knows she is gay, and never let that get in the way of recognizing her practical way of running the city.

But with HERO, she crossed the line in the view of many voters. By, as it seems, a wide margine.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Mayor Parker's defeat speech last night was annoying. She made it seem as though the voters were tricked with misinformation. As if the voters were mindless sheep following the loudest voice.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I think Mayor Parker has been a good mayor, her view on Houston has always been, "the business of Houston is, Business". And I am sure her heart is in the right place. Everybody knows she is gay, and never let that get in the way of recognizing her practical way of running the city. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Perhaps that was true of Parker's first two terms.

Mayor Parker's defeat speech last night was annoying. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Yes, it was.
Mayor Parker's defeat speech last night was annoying. She made it seem as though the voters were tricked with misinformation. As if the voters were mindless sheep following the loudest voice. Originally Posted by SweetDulce
In truth, she was the one pulled out every trick in the bag.

First, doing everything possible to keep the Ordinance from ever coming to a Public Referenum in the first place. Then, after it was determined that a there were the correct number of signatures on the petitions, they wrote the ballot language in such a convoluted wording that voters didn't know if "yes" meant "no", or Visa-versa.

The courts made them write it in plain English, and told the Parker Administration to just let the voters decide.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck is a "White Evangelicle?"
What the fuck is a "White Evangelicle?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Sorry. "Evangelical"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do evangelicals come in other flavors?
In this case, I think they were mostly white. But of course, the term "evangelical" can encompass any group that believes that the teachings in their Holy Book is in fact literal, and should be followed to the letter.

I feel safe in saying that when you use the term "evangelical", most people conjure up a vision of a white middle class group attending a Protestant Church that teaches that salvation is only through Jesus Christ, and the Bible is the true enerrant word of God and is in fact, literal.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So then the size able Houston Muslim community was with the AA churches and white evangelicles? How about the Jewish community?

Seems like this is payback for the brouhaha between Parker and the churches a while back.
So then the size able Houston Muslim community was with the AA churches and white evangelicles? How about the Jewish community?

Seems like this is payback for the brouhaha between Parker and the churches a while back. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree. She stepped in a whole pile of shit when she let her subordinates, mainly the City Attorney David Feldman, demand to see their written sermons, outlines, and lesson plans.

A polititian as astute as Parker should have told him that was akin to kicking a fire ant bed.

He kinda forgot about that whole 1st Amendment thing.

Americans have tended to agree that the Pulpit is a place the Government should keep out of, or at least not be so blatant about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. The government should stay out of the pulpit and the pulpit should stay out of government.
Agreed. The government should stay out of the pulpit and the pulpit should stay out of government. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We have a winner!

Even Jesus said......"Render unto God which is God's, and unto Ceasar which is Ceasar's".
  • DSK
  • 11-04-2015, 09:37 AM
I agree. She stepped in a whole pile of shit when she let her subordinates, mainly the City Attorney David Feldman, demand to see their written sermons, outlines, and lesson plans.

A polititian as astute as Parker should have told him that was akin to kicking a fire ant bed.

He kinda forgot about that whole 1st Amendment thing.

Americans have tended to agree that the Pulpit is a place the Government should keep out of, or at least not be so blatant about it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm glad she got her ass kicked, but I believe the liberals will find a way to get the courts to impose it. Hopefully, that will get people fed up enough to change the government and the courts through legal means.

Funny how the Muslims got with blacks and white evangelicals on this one to defeat the forces of darkness, i.e. the liberals who let them in the country. They are biting the hand that feeds them, literally. The Muslims must think the liberals are some really stupid motherfuckers.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Funny how the Muslims got with blacks and white evangelicals on this one to defeat the forces of darkness, i.e. the liberals who let them in the country. They are biting the hand that feeds them, literally. The Muslims must think the liberals are some really stupid motherfuckers. Originally Posted by DSK

Guess this means that woomby and his swishy walking buddies on the reach around crew won't be visiting Houston soon. Happy to see the fags agenda rejected by the rest of the voters of Houston.