Hey Mods, can we start a thread about this political video?

There is a political ad running at this time were (forbidden topic)Hispanics are trashing Trump with rather vulgar actions. Can we talk about it?
  • DSK
  • 11-06-2015, 05:46 AM
There is a political ad running at this time were (forbidden topic)Hispanics are trashing Trump with rather vulgar actions. Can we talk about it? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Can you provide a link to the story?
Can you provide a link to the story? Originally Posted by DSK

Yes, but even that can be against the rules. Just search....."Hispanics Use (forbidden topic) In Vulgar Anti- trump Ad"
JCM800's Avatar
A discussion of this story is ok as long as there isn't any kid pics posted or embedded videos posted of kids ....if that's the story your referring to.
A discussion of this story is ok as long as there isn't any kid pics posted or embedded videos posted of kids ....if that's the story your referring to. Originally Posted by JCM800
It's a moot point, then. Without the actual video, it's difficult to capture how low the makers of the Ad have sunk.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What about a link to the story and/or the video?
JCM800's Avatar
A link to the story/article or whatever would be ok.
A link to the story/article or whatever would be ok. Originally Posted by JCM800
Is this like Carson making a horrendous rap video commercial and only airing it in the South?
This is just more of republitards being unable to take a joke. Trump is a joke, what do you expect in response to a joke?
This is just more of republitards being unable to take a joke. Trump is a joke, what do you expect in response to a joke? Originally Posted by WombRaider

This is a good example of someone trying to defend the indefensible.

With all due respect, the correct response to that video should be........"that's wrong".
  • DSK
  • 11-06-2015, 01:30 PM
Is this like Carson making a horrendous rap video commercial and only airing it in the South? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Did you ever notice how no one wants to deport Asians, and they rarely, if ever, complain about racism. They are richer on average, than white people.]

I'm going to root for them to overtake the country instead of brown skinned racists like those portrayed in this thread.]

This is a good example of someone trying to defend the indefensible.

With all due respect, the correct response to that video should be........"that's wrong". Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not defending anything. I'm saying if you are going to make stupid remarks(Trump) about a group of people(Mexicans), then you get what you deserve. Fuck Trump and the gilded horse he rode in on. He likes to fashion himself as a self-made man when that just isn't the truth. He started out at the finish line.
Trump might have started at the finish line, but he kept on running.
Trump might have started at the finish line, but he kept on running. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Easy to do when you've already won the race...