Why are we playing with these guys?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama orders Jihadi John killed and it leaves us feeling hollow. No joy, no for us and not for the families. Too little, too late. The next day Paris is under attack. A number of people dead and probably others to follow. Why can't the civilized world get together and destroy this threat to civilization? I don't want to see another Jihadi John unless a gunship shows up on the horizon and kills his radical ass before he can run away.

At this time I expect the idiot elite to say that Obama can't win with me. Kill a terrorist and I don't like it, fail to kill a terrorist and I don't like it but we know that this is bullshit. Jihadi John should have been dead months ago. Waiting to do the right thing does not give you an out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
  • shanm
  • 11-13-2015, 04:47 PM
You think killing one man gives us any leeway in this war?

Smh, JD. You stupid fuck. At least let the families count the dead before you turn this into a political shit show.
Will the 0zombie King call this "work place violence"?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2015, 06:07 PM
Will the 0zombie King call this "work place violence"?

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fuck off...for once try and not point the finger at Obama. Jesus you and J fucking D and your blame Obama drivel.

Let the French bury their dead.
Never let a good crisis go to waste..........
Fuck off...for once try and not point the finger at Obama. Jesus you and J fucking D and your blame Obama drivel.

Let the French bury their dead. Originally Posted by WTF

American babies, old people and orphans got to be buried too. JVFucker

Babies, old people and orphans got to be buried too. JVFucker

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
How many of your reach around club has buried a dick in you whiffy?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Somebody better tell James Taylor to pack his bags. He's goin to Paris again.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Never let a good crisis go to waste.......... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Try to focus, this crisis is over a year old and maybe (you never know with the political crowd) that this event will prompt a serious response. You would have thought that 9/11 would have had the same affect.

You want credit for Obama. Do you give credit to the doctor who finds a possibilty of cancer but takes no action for six months for his (or her) own personal reasons? How about a fire chief who sits outside a burning building worrying about the press coverage while people are alive inside. Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel, and Putin all knew about this and these people. They gave warnings, tepid warnings or like Obama kept telling us that they had it under control. This morning (Friday) Obama had a press conference where he said that ISIS was contained...I bet he feels like a fool about now as should those who still think he walks on water.

No, there is no credit to be given to any politician who stood by and watched. Maybe if the passive French can be roused to be their nasty former selves of the 50s then we can start killing terrorists. I would also remind you that the same thing can be done in the United States, England, Germany, or Russia. Are you ready for that? Are you willing to support the guy who can't even utter the words "muslim terrorist"?
LexusLover's Avatar
At least let the families count the dead before you turn this into a political shit show. Originally Posted by shanm
Pick up the phone and tell that to your Boy in the White House!

Obama on ISIS: "We Have Contained Them"

Just hours before the Paris Attacks ....

..... and the bodies from the plane crash have not been all identified and "put back together" for the families.

Your Boy wants to politicize his "War on Isis" .... he owns it. Paris!
LexusLover's Avatar
IDIOT OF THE YEAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Obama on ISIS: "We Have Contained Them"

for 2009-2016!
IDIOT OF THE YEAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


LexusLover's Avatar

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS3jady8bIc Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

It is an international embarrassment when the French get pissed off ....

... and our POTUS is "waiting" to see "what happened"!!!!!

150-200 people (all nationalities BTW) get slaughtered in 30-40 minutes ...

... and the POS in the White House wants to "wait to see what happened"???

How many of you loud-mouthed fools chastised Bush for not responding for 18 seconds in front of a classroom of grade school kids??????????????????