Terrorist, Suicide Bombers Strike In Paris!!


This is a developing story. Muslim Terrorist have killed and maimed dozens in multiple locations. Hostages are still being held, being executed one by one according witnesses who escaped.

Th last word is France has just closed the entire Country, all flights and roads, nobody comes in, or goes out.

Witnesses say that the young men involved, wearing no mask, were using shotguns and automatic weapons, screaming, "This is for Syria, Allah Akbar"
Could Obama have worse timing?

Earlier in the day he declared that we had ISIS contained:


The authorities are focusing on "returnees", meaning French Muslims who left France to go fight in Syria and are now back in France to carry on Jihad.

Europe is importing a civil war. This will not end well. It may take another decade or more, but when the native populations feel threatened, they will destroy the minority within.

At the end of WWII, 14 million Germans were expelled from Europeans countries where many had lived for a generation or more. They were forced to go back to Germany.

Perhaps a repeat with Muslims?

The EU is an economic entity, not a political one. It has no national identity and cares nothing at all about preserving the cultures and freedoms of the individual nations. It is all about money and trade. Every one of those member states is now ruing the decision to give up control over their own borders and allow free movement of people.

The Eastern European countries are going to be the first to bail. They have had the longest and worst experiences with Muslims.

Europe may have developed a reputation as a peaceful place with little chance of war over the last 70 years, but that was largely built on US protection.

Right now, they have an actual shooting war in the Ukraine and low-level sectarian civil wars in France and Britain and Germany and others.

This will not end well. When Europe does war, it doesn't do it by halves. It goes over the top.
  • shanm
  • 11-13-2015, 04:50 PM
The solution is to kick all of em out?

perhaps, but I have a feeling that could be much worse for the anti-western sentiment than anything else
The solution is to kick all of em out?

perhaps, but I have a feeling that could be much worse for the anti-western sentiment than anything else Originally Posted by shanm

There you go with those "feelings" again... Do you feel like it's just the "JV team"?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The solution is to kick all of em out?

perhaps, but I have a feeling that could be much worse for the anti-western sentiment than anything else Originally Posted by shanm
if necessary, yes. if these attacks continue (they will), then send them all back to the Middle East and let them sort out their own problems there rather than allow them to hold all of Europe hostage.

since at least some of these attacks appear designed to take hostages, there could have been a ransom plot involved to this operation. the French acted quickly to avoid that, to their credit.

All of Europe has failed badly by paying ransoms to these terrorists. Mainly, only the USA and UK have steadfastly refused to pay. and the result? exactly what you would expect. Al Qaeda will not even bother to take American or British hostages now. they know there's ZERO chance they will get a ransom.


the NY Times reports that at least 125 Million has been paid out by various European nations to Al Qaeda.

by the way shanm, since you and wormser and your liberal ilk are constantly railing against gun ownership in the USA, how do you explain the fact that France has very strict gun control laws, yet these terrorists had what the press is describing as "assault weapons" ? hmm? how did they get them?


it proves the point many have made here doesn't it? if you ban guns from law abiding citizens, then only the criminals and terrorists will have guns! GET IT NOW?

and one last thing .. NEWS FLASH .. they already hate us infidels. so why should we care about "anti-western sentiment"?
I wonder if Hollande can say "muslim terrorist" now? I noticed Obama still can't.
We all need to be thankful these euro politicians are letting them in their country's to slaughter their citizens, otherwise they would be streaming across the Mexican border slaughtering us!

Just keep being nice to the muslims and they'll stop, right?
Could Obama have worse timing?

Earlier in the day he declared that we had ISIS contained:


The authorities are focusing on "returnees", meaning French Muslims who left France to go fight in Syria and are now back in France to carry on Jihad.

Europe is importing a civil war. This will not end well. It may take another decade or more, but when the native populations feel threatened, they will destroy the minority within.

At the end of WWII, 14 million Germans were expelled from Europeans countries where many had lived for a generation or more. They were forced to go back to Germany.

Perhaps a repeat with Muslims?

The EU is an economic entity, not a political one. It has no national identity and cares nothing at all about preserving the cultures and freedoms of the individual nations. It is all about money and trade. Every one of those member states is now ruing the decision to give up control over their own borders and allow free movement of people.

The Eastern European countries are going to be the first to bail. They have had the longest and worst experiences with Muslims.

Europe may have developed a reputation as a peaceful place with little chance of war over the last 70 years, but that was largely built on US protection.

Right now, they have an actual shooting war in the Ukraine and low-level sectarian civil wars in France and Britain and Germany and others.

This will not end well. When Europe does war, it doesn't do it by halves. It goes over the top. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Strongly agree with your last statement about Europe and how they go " all in ' with their wars. I just hope that My grandchildren aren't over there bailing them out like MY grandfather did in WW 1. And for my Grandfather to have " survived " a mustard gas attack as a member of a U.S. Army Engineer detachment only to come home and die violently and horribly from the effects of that gassing on his way to catch a train to the VA office / hospital , the European wars of the last century "hit close to home " for me. And since gas attacks have been verified as recently as the Syrian war, I could see the Europeans reaching for that option to use on the jihadies , before the jihadies hit with it first.
If you feel a rumbling below your feet, it is because Charles Martel is rolling in his grave.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Just finished reading the Koran – a good book and interesting .. To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab ... Here, I think, is a text for some eloquent sermon on the virtues of Christianity"

who said that?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just remember, the French, the Germans, and the English have nuclear weapons. If they backed into a corner all three have demonstrated that they can go all the way if necessary though it has been a few years.

In the early 60s the French had to deal with Muslim terrorists in Algeria. The story for the longest time was the thousands of suspected terrorists got on a plane for Paris (and questioning) but never got off the plane following the fight over the Med. See General Paul Aussaresses who said, years later, that the stories were true.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....that could be much worse for the anti-western sentiment than anything else..... Originally Posted by shanm
.... now if we could only persuade ISIS to respect Middle Eastern Christians.
LexusLover's Avatar
You all quit fretting ......

Obama on ISIS: "We Have Contained Them"

Everything is going to be fine!

Normally, this interview of President Obama by DNC Lackey George Stephanopolis would just be another bit of political tripe, but events of the day that followed will once again show the utter naiveté and stupidity that President Obama displays in the face of Islamic Terrorism.


Go on over to your Global Warming Summit next week, continue with the message of wealth redistribution through taxing traditional energy resources. It plays real well with the crowd you hang with.

Unfortunately, these Islamic Terrorist could care less about your demagoguery. They just want to kill you.

Watching some of the News Pundits this morning on the various outlets, CNN, and MSNBC in particular, shows that these naive fools still don't have a clue what the World is dealing with. That is, a extreme bunch of Religious Zealots who are following the teachings of a Genocidal Criminal in the hopes of entering into some type of afterlife filled with all of the pleasures denied them here on Earth.

These Zealots actually believe this shit, and are willing to die for it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Go on over to your Global Warming Summit next week, continue with the message of wealth redistribution through taxing traditional energy resources. It plays real well with the crowd you hang with.

Unfortunately, these Islamic Terrorist could care less about your demagoguery. They just want to kill you. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Hide and Watch. Paris was an appetizer. A show you "we can do it" moment.

Bring some more "refugees" into the United States! 10,000?

It took roughly 10 to kill 150-200 people and wound that many more at least.

And as of last report ... not all 10 have been captured or killed.

And we SS agents at the White House playing with girls on the internet and sending them "dick" pics on the White House SS computers. How many breaches of security have there been there while Isis was "JV"?
Just remember, the French, the Germans, and the English have nuclear weapons. If they backed into a corner all three have demonstrated that they can go all the way if necessary though it has been a few years.

In the early 60s the French had to deal with Muslim terrorists in Algeria. The story for the longest time was the thousands of suspected terrorists got on a plane for Paris (and questioning) but never got off the plane following the fight over the Med. See General Paul Aussaresses who said, years later, that the stories were true. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's going to be a civil war in Europe. So, no, they won't be using nukes on themselves.

Bombing Syria or elsewhere won't end bombings in London, Paris, Munich and elsewhere by homegrown jihadis and the communities that support them. Only expulsion from those countries will.

Which is why I think that the native European populations will eventually have to rise up unless there is some kind of Enlightenment in Islam (fat chance).

Just look at how bad things are in and around Israel. It's one big armed camp with walls everywhere to isolate the Muslim population. And STILL they are having all of these lone wolf attacks by Muslims with cars and knives.