the Day the Music Died.. Michael Jackson Gone 10 Years Ago Today

Chung Tran's Avatar
I was in Vietnam that day, having just "enjoyed" my young Provider/ Girlfriend (blurred lines there, LOL) at the Beach.. got to my hotel room some 45 miles away, turned on a International Business TV station, and 2 guys were discussing this "Legend, died much too young", etc.. they went on for 15 minutes, I kept thinking "who are you talking about"!? I expected Bill Gates, or some famous business guy.. I was shocked when they finally said Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was famous in Vietnam, but ironically was a virtual unknown until 1992, when his "Dangerous" album was charting. of course, Vietnam had not really entered the World economy before then, having suffered great economic woes throughout the post-war 1980's
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Guess a few boys got to grow up normal.
No worries, would’ve made a pee camera joke if it were the more influential Chuck Berry.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I cant believe it has already been that long!
Did anyone hear about the Michael Jackson sighting at Target? He appeared because he heard little boys pants were half off.

I guess that joke is not relevant anymore but it was a good one 11 years ago.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-25-2019, 02:20 PM
Who knows if the stories were true, the real question is why the parents were letting their kids hang out and have sleep overs with a grown man?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Who knows if the stories were true, the real question is why the parents were letting their kids hang out and have sleep overs with a grown man? Originally Posted by BLM69
I think the parents were enthralled that their sons were close to fame, which made them close by proxy. it was strange that Michael's sister, Latoya, had her own bizarre thing going on around the same time.. she went on the Geraldo Show, claiming Michael was a Monster Pedophile, she had proof, etc.. then later said she said it all under threat from her "Husband", Jack Gordon, who allegedly manipulated and dictated Latoya's every move.

I presume Michael is innocent of sexual abuse, given his acquittal in Court. the song he wrote and performed on the History album, about the D.A. who prosecuted, is seething with anger and rage. enough to convince me of Michael's innocence.
I'm not a fan but in Jackson's case, he had so much money he was a target 24x7.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Today is the day Farrah Fawcett died. I still remember watching the evening news and the opening headline was Farrah's passing away. The news anchor who was still reading the story was interrupted by a breaking news announcement that Michael Jackson is death. Farrah was never mentioned again and her death became a footnote in history...
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
If you can’t say something nice......mums the word.
Who knows if the stories were true, the real question is why the parents were letting their kids hang out and have sleep overs with a grown man? Originally Posted by BLM69
Conversely, WHY would a grown man want to be hanging out with pre-pubescent boys? Not to mention the jeebus juice? I do not buy the story at all. When you are rich, you can get away with stuff the average Joe cannot.

Yes, the parents were stupid. He got nailed once for 30 million, yet keep on doing the same dumb shit.

To me, February 2nd, 1959, will always be the day the music died. Buddy Holly was still young and had so much more promise.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 06-25-2019, 11:58 PM
Come on Chung - you're old enough to know the day the music died was the airplane crash of Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens. Pick another name for it
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I thought it was when John Lennon was murdered.
txexetoo's Avatar
He was a pedophile.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Who knows if the stories were true, the real question is why the parents were letting their kids hang out and have sleep overs with a grown man? Originally Posted by BLM69

Same motive as the woman's who let Roman Polanski whore up her 15 year old daughter.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Yes innocent people always utter the phrase Jesus Juice (for inappropriate aged drinkers) in their rightful defense.