Fake cum - Kum

I’ve inquired about fake cum in the past on the old eccie. Basically, I’ve been looking for fake cum the not only looks real, but tastes like the real thing too. My search always came up short, until now....maybe.


Their product is called Kum. From their description it’s used in porn shoots where the performer with the penis might be, for whatever reason, unable to provide the money shot.

Apparently, not only does it look real, but it tastes like the real thing too. There’s a strawberry flavored one too, but if you ask me, that’s no fun. I’m way more interested in authentic flavor.

It’s a little pricey compared to regular lubes, but since it’s so unique the price might be justified. I’m planning on getting some but I was curious if anyone here had and direct experience with it. Has anyone used it? Or better yet...has anyone tasted it?

GregJM's Avatar
I’m devistated! I thought all porn cum shots were real.
  • Jilge
  • 09-14-2018, 08:01 AM
LOL good one GJM
My question is why would you want to replace the real thing. I just don't get it.
melannie_star's Avatar
I had a guy that would save his cum and refrigerate it for me.. everytime we would meet.It tasted better that way also.
It became a fetish.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The one time that I purchased lube that was supposed to look like jism, it tasted horrid and it was weird to use as regular lube.

I'll be interested in know how this product works. Sometimes ... you just have to take the financial hit, buy the stuff and try it!!!

Good luck,
For those wondering why I wouldn’t just go for the real thing. Well, a few reasons.

For one, it’s not easily available. Between job, home and family responsibilities my time is very limited. Going out somewhere for the real thing isn’t easy....but having a batch of fake cum and some squinting dildos at home is very convenient.

Safety. Getting cum in one’s ass isn’t safe unless you know and trust the person. It’s just like barebacking an escort...it’s not safe. But the fake stuff is...hopefully anyway. There’s the food safety aspect but that’s another conversation.

And lastly, there’s a mental aspect. It’s often been said that the most powerful sex organ is the one between your ears. The mind can conjure up some very powerful sexual feelings. Just like some people enjoy lingerie, or strapon play, or getting slapped around by a dominatrix....or any other of an infinite amount of possibilities...so too is fake cum a fun way to enhance sexual fantasies.

Hope that helps!!
Jesone's Avatar
Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but it might work. Cetaphil skin cleanser is the lotion the Porn Industry uses for photos.


