A Public Apology to Gabby...

Dear Gabby;

Throughout the last few days, we had played tag trying to schedule a day and time. It was tentatively scheduled for Thursday but at the last minute, it was moved to today.

I was a NCNS. In this case, I was wrong. We, the guys, get all pissed off when a lady does this to us. However, in this case, the tables were turned and I did this to you. I apologize for my behavior.

You sent me an email indicating that because of my behavior I would not have the future option of seeing you. This is your perogative.

In my defense, I could come up with several reasons why. Such as my hip and my lower back got tweaked taking care of a patient. However, again, this is no excuse for not notifying you prior to our scheduled time.

I can only ask for your forgiveness. And, should the opportunity arise, you allow me to make it up to you in any way I can.


An uncaring asshole...

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-05-2012, 06:10 PM
Move along, folks. Move along.
Hey BBKid... I screwed up. And, I'm going public with this. Two reasons: first, kiss ass. I missed out on on time with a gorgeous woman. Second, so others can possibly learn from my mistake.
This is interesting. I have in the past also missed an appointment, due to my own fault, not something or someone I could blame. however I told the provider I would still make good on the cost.
Am I the only one that has done that?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I think that is nice of you to offer to make it up for spunky but it does seem a little over the top.....ijs
She was pissed. And, frankly, after seeing her most recent pictures she needs to forgive me. If not, I'll be walking around with a perpetual broomstick for her...
Now, that will really calm her down
dearhunter's Avatar
Big Lou's Avatar
When did this place get filled with a bunch of man pussies? Are you an A-Hole for the NC/NS? Yes. But coming on here apologizing and basically begging for forgiveness? Dude, grow a fucking sack and stop being a bitch. Any "Ellis fan" here? Dude needs to harden the fuck up already!
Lookzfun61's Avatar
I like the apology aspect and have had a similar experience due to circumstances beyond my control. I speak for ME only , and kept it in a a pm , with an offer to compensate. I agree with making right..... Just knew I'd get shit taking it public. Still spunky , the effort was well intended , just be aware of your market and where you place your amends . Actions can speak louder than words , as a providers time is $. I hope it works out well , good luck and peace .
oilfieldscum's Avatar
So you come on here and make yourself look like an ass in an attempt to get to see someone you NCNSd. She'd be an idiot to schedule with you again and you just let every provider on here know you NCNSd...smh
Last time I checked it didn't emasculate oneself to admit he or she was wrong and apologize. As is seen some agree and some don't. The only person's feelings I care about is the lady I burned.

As I said in my original post some of us have been notorious for this type of behavior. Maybe by reading this others will change their behavior and be a little more courteous in the future.
boardman's Avatar
I can't remember if I ever missed an appointment....If I have, I apologize.
Still Spunky, I appreciate the class that you've shown by posting this apology. It's true I was a bit unhappy. However, I do understand that things can happen to all of us. While a simple phone call or text would have been nice, I know we all make mistakes.

I accept your apology.
An offer of compensation would do wonders!