John Boner unleeeshed!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

long read.

a drunken interview where Boner lets loose his ramblings. who knew that this guy cusses like a sailor???

interesting revelations:

ex-speaker Denny Hastert's staff was made of gays. Guess Denny was gay too.

one thing you find out that he was a legislative terrorist early in his career. unfortunately, he got fat on the corruption. and he was also a lousy communicator when he was a speaker of the House. He couldn't communicate his way out of a paper bag. He made a lot of bad policy choices and negotiating decisions.

a house member put a knife on boner's throat and they're best buds!

He didn't like what Harry Reid said about him, and told him off at a meeting at the white house right in front of McConnell (he about had a heart attack when Boner did this)