Why can't potential clients

See my rates listed in my showcase ?
I can!
I was just asking a guy this the other day.. I think it depends on what kind of access you have.. I could be wrong and didn't understand correctly.. But he was saying he couldn't see mine because he doesn't such and such access.. I can't remember what he called it..
Without premium access you cannot see showcase information. Such as rates or specials.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-11-2013, 04:07 PM
Rates in showcase r visible to premium members only
Which means there a lot of girls in this community and on the site who can read what is in your showcase and those of others, including what is discussed in the coed men's lounge, but many guys can't! Isn't that amusing?

Helicopter206's Avatar
Assuming or Speculating, That a lot of girls can see everything.
He must have knowledge or a current list of these girls.

This is a Pay to Play Site,
pay for a membership
or write a review, (paid the provider)
This is the only way to get PA, and see everything.
Assuming or Speculating, That a lot of girls can see everything.
He must have knowledge or a current list of these girls. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
Shootin' from the hip and wrong again, Wild Bill Hickok! Any member of this site who is a chess player instead of a checkers player like you, would know what I said is fact, based on what has been reported from time to time.

Throw in the towel before you endanger any more girls.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Shootin' from the hip and wrong again, Wild Bill Hickok! Any member of this site who is a chess player instead of a checkers player like you, would know what I said is fact, based on what has been reported from time to time. Throw in the towel before you endanger any more girls. Originally Posted by scorpio31
Truth is a torch that shines through the fog without dispelling it. Claude Adrien Helvetius
Adeptus32's Avatar
Again, Please refrain from groundless speculation, and from personal attacks. The original question has been answered, so keeping this thread open no longer serves any constructive purpose. -adeptus-