Question for Modda

UTR_Jess's Avatar
How do you suggest I get VP status with no referrals or reviews? I currently have a handle on ECCIE and a twitter page. Your response to my M&G thread is hard to tell if you are a prick or trying to provide sound advice.
You have to follow the rules like the rest of us ladies. You can't advertise period unless you have verified provider status. The KC mods don't let people get away with half the stuff they do in the Nebraska forum.

Your thread stating the same in Nebraska should've been shut down too. Why it wasn't is beyond me.

Put an ad on Backpage like the rest of the ladies who don't know about this site or can't get verified.
UTR_Jess's Avatar
Are you a moderator?
If yes please indicate the precise rules I have broken.
Your reply fails to address the question and your name is not Modda. If you have something to say that relates to the question in my post fine. Do you always hijack threads when what you have to say is more important than making a comment relevant to questions being asked? Your attitude is old already. How long have you been a provider? You have good points but your sour attitude is getting the best of you.
Johnny4455's Avatar
Dont put an ad on backpage. Thats bad advice. Work with modda on how to get verified.
UTR_Jess's Avatar
It's to my understanding I need a referral or review. If correct: six days and counting!
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Jess, I'm no longer a moderator, but was for a decent stretch. I'm not going to copy the rules verbatim, but you're welcome to go look at the guidelines if you want a detailed explanation. To save you time, here's an abridged version:

Only verified providers are allowed to advertise, and they can only advertise once per week in the regular ad section and once a week again from Thursday through Sunday in the Weekend lineup. You're also able to post whatever you want in your signature line on here. When you're a VP, you can also host a showcase of pictures on your profile. The rules regarding those state your pictures can't be x-rated and any images of genitalia should be more in line with what you would expect to see in Playboy not Hustler.

As far as getting VP status goes, it begins with you. You need to send a private message to a local moderator, Modda and Addeptus do that in KC, asking for verified provider status. To guarantee you'll receive this status you must have a credible review on here or a trusted member on this site needs to vouch for you. If you've seen a trusted member on here, just ask them to reach out to a moderator.

I hope this helps. I know it can get a little frustrating around here, but once you're in, there's not much else you'll need to do.
You might change your avatar to show a pic...even if it obscures your face, it gives your prospective first review clients an idea of what you look like.
So much for the UTR...
There was no attitude in either of my two posts to you, if you felt there was, sorry. The rules are simple, you should go take a look at them, good reading for us providers.

I get that you want to play this game (the hobby) by your rules, but sometimes you gotta follow the rules to get ahead.

As I said to you in the NE forum, I wish you luck and you stay safe.
UTR_Jess's Avatar
I understand there are rules to this board. I am still trying to figure out which rules I have broken, if any. What constitutes an ad?
Kchobby's Avatar
Jess, tried to send you a PM but your over your quota level. Please delete some messages!
Since I can't PM you and you thanked me for my previous advice, I'm going to chime in regardless of the fact that my name is not Modda.

You must get Verified to post any ad here. That's the rule. Then you must limit the ads to one per week. There are other limited opportunities on most forums, but not in COED.

#21 - Ladies, please respect our Provider Ad Posting guidelines, posted in each of the Ad posting forums. We welcome you to take advantage of every Advertising forum available, but please ensure you are posting in the right location, and that you are following the appropriate posting frequency...which is currently 1 ad per week in your choice of 5 city forums or subdivisions.

You asked how does one get verified if she can't post an ad? Well, as we discussed before, normally she includes a photo in her Welcome Ad and interested guys here PM her and within a day or so, she gets a Review. Pow. It really is not hard most of the time.

Since you have chosen not to use photos it is harder for you. I appreciate that you are offering Meet and Greets. That will probably work out great. If you see someone in Nebraska, have a session and he writes a positive review, you will be Verified and on your way. However, you violated the rules by posting an ad for Meet and Greets in the CoEd sections of two cities. One was allowed to stay for an unknown reason, but Modda nicely told you the rules, but left it visible so others could see it.

MsElena also told you the rules and you were not very nice in your response. So, let me give you some unsolicited advice. When you're new here, guys will be clamoring to find out any information they can. They will pull up all your posts to get a feel for you. Being rude to other providers or implying the person in charge might be a "prick," doesn't always look great.

Take a breath, do some research here. Perhaps read about threADs if you must, but try to be sweet as least at first. LOL.

You've put yourself at a HUGE disadvantage by not even sharing G rated faceless photos via email. But that's your right, just know it's going to be harder for you than most.

I hope you take this thread in the helpful and friendly manner it was intended. Keep us updated. And read my Sight Unseen Thread again! LOL!
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 01-04-2014, 09:24 PM
Sorry I just saw this thread and you have all the valuable information already provided by our members here. Co-Ed is not a place to put ADs even if you are a verified provider and no exceptions in that.

Pls read the guidelines (see my signature), as a new member you are allowed to open 'ONE' thread in 'Welcome' let the community know about who you are. More over this 'Welcome Area' is only for first 7 days. I can't (for that matter any mod) guide you on how to get reviews and how to get a vouch, that is your marketing strategy. Once you get the necessary information then pls contact local mods (at present Adeptus32 & myself) and we can help you out to get VP status.

Once again pls read the guidelines and the above good responses and you will know which guideline you broke.
UTR_Jess's Avatar
I was under the impression an "ad" includes rates and services.
Review worthy services are not being provided and a fee is not being charged, therefor a M&G and or social is not considered an ad.
Mynx: you are boldly claiming I have violated the rules by posting an ad for Meet and Greets in the CoEd, but let's not jump too far ahead. Are you familiar with this sticky in Nebraska's coed forum: M&G and or socials.
I respect the rules, but so far I am not convinced the rule being repeated here applies to any of my posts.
Are M&G posts bound by rule #21 or rule #30?
Can a moderator please tell me if I am breaking any rules by continuing to post M&G and or socials in coed forums as a registered member?
CryptKicker's Avatar
The context of the sticky has to do with a group of folks getting together for the meet and greet where your post seems to be more a one on one situation thus making it more so an ad. A threAD becomes an ad when you specify dates, cost (you did say you expect the other party to pick up the tab), and/or services. As many ahead of me have said, you need to simply get reviewed or get either a hobbyist or another provider to vouch for you. You could also apply for P411 membership and that would help you as well.

Modda or Adeptus32 would be happy to discuss this more with you or you might consider contacting Marcus Aurelius in the Nebraska forums privately via PM and they would be able to help you further with it.