I don't see it being a lasting trend

Bobave's Avatar
... for this reason:

"One man asked him: Why bother? What does a man get from sitting there stroking a woman and not receiving hands-on pleasure in return? “As a stroker I am learning to feel,” Eli said, “to put my finger on this incredibly sensational spot on a living breathing organism, to come into contact with so much life in one particular place.” He also spoke about his white middle class male privilege and how he had to really check it at the door. “For me this is one thing that is not going according to my ride.”

The Pro-Orgasm Movement. In other words, a bunch of artsy-fartsy bullshit aimed at beta males.

Cpalmson's Avatar
This happened in the SF Bay Area, why am I not surprised
The Orgasmic Meditation movement...I would love to participate if they didn't charge for it *note irony said the provider on eccie*

It is done in Austin (where I currently dwell) and the emphasis is on women learning to receive (first) because women are so conditioned to give, in a sexual context and likewise, men 'expect' to receive.

It isn't as much about just the act of touching genitals but, about the woman making the mental shift of truly being able to receive and not just 'perform' or go through the motions. Quite liberating. I know women who practice this 3-5 times a week w/ various partners...and they are perpetually tranquil I long to experience such a state of bliss - *sigh*

Anyone here ever participated in the OM courses?

pyramider's Avatar
You should try taintra with a little of taint tickling and some taintssage,
Prime Time's Avatar
Don't forget the fried chicken pyramider.
The Orgasmic Meditation movement...I would love to participate if they didn't charge for it *note irony said the provider on eccie* Originally Posted by Aphrodite
The Evil Twin has taken over the keyboard, and insists on wondering out loud whether someone might be trolling for a White Knight to commit an act of totally selfless generosity and pay for the $199 ticket to the all-day training event this coming Saturday.
OK, I've chased the Evil Twin away.

I do have to ask. Everything I see about Orgasmic Meditation seems to involve deliberately training Clitoral Dependence. Would someone please explain to me how this is a Good Thing?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I do get where you're coming from. Sometimes, it even makes ME shake my head.

I just returned from a three day workshop that pretty much featured sex educators involved in well, "educating" people about sexuality, etc.

It was interesting for me to attend because I was a sex worker and there were other women like myself there but we were certainly in the minority.

The only difference is at THIS conference, people would speak to you if they figured out what you actually do for a living.

Anyway, there was a lot of talk about not exactly what your article was discussing (although I'll admit to missing a LOT of lectures because there were always three going on at once), but of other similar types of sexual workshops which I'm sure also included tantra, chakras and whatever else is blowing in that sensual wind.

Frankly, I take that type of crap with a grain of salt. BUT ... if those type of experiences can help a woman orgasm and help her achieve a good sense of self and her sexuality, then why not?

A few years back, I spent an evening with a sexuality "couch" at a group talk in Dallas. He started the cuddle parties that were so popular a few years back.

Very interesting premise for discussion. At any rate, I could go on and on.

I don't think that this type of conference will catch on, either.

HOWEVER, and this is a biggie, I collected a lot of cards while I was at the cataclystcon.com (there are a couple a year if you wish to check it out) and I was REALLY surprised to see that often, these "educating" type of programs include live demos now.

Sortof what I was reading with your link. THAT was rather surprising to me.

Orgies, or something pretty close, all in the name of education! Now, that's using some word play!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The Evil Twin has taken over the keyboard, and insists on wondering out loud whether someone might be trolling for a White Knight to commit an act of totally selfless generosity and pay for the $199 ticket to the all-day training event this coming Saturday. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Dear Evil Twin,

Come back! I'll try anything ... once.

pyramider's Avatar
My tent revivals on taint are only a couple of hours ... ijs.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
"One man asked him: Why bother? What does a man get from sitting there stroking a woman and not receiving hands-on pleasure in return? “As a stroker I am learning to feel,” Eli said, “to put my finger on this incredibly sensational spot on a living breathing organism, to come into contact with so much life in one particular place.” He also spoke about his white middle class male privilege and how he had to really check it at the door. “For me this is one thing that is not going according to my ride.”

I went to Six Flags once and saw a long line. I pointed out to the other people in line that I wanted to "exercise my white male privilege" and get to the front of the line, where I belonged.....it didn't work out to well for me....
"For those of you who are not familiar, OM (orgasmic meditation) is a sequenced practice in which one partner gently strokes the other partner’s clitoris for 15 minutes. The result is said to be therapeutic, rather than sexual. The “stroking” allegedly activates the limbic system and releases a flood of oxytocin. The technique was originally billed as a spiritual-style practice like meditation, but as it gains popularity, it’s being presented as more of a “technological innovation” or “body-hack to happiness.”

Taken from this article: http://www.thefrisky.com/2013-10-17/...ic-meditation/

Sounds great to me!! I love me some good ol' oxytocin!
Tried first of three sessions last night...aaaahhhhhmmmmmmaaaaazz zing!
Jackpotvinny's Avatar
"For those of you who are not familiar, OM (orgasmic meditation) is a sequenced practice in which one partner gently strokes the other partner’s clitoris for 15 minutes. The result is said to be therapeutic, rather than sexual. The “stroking” allegedly activates the limbic system and releases a flood of oxytocin. The technique was originally billed as a spiritual-style practice like meditation, but as it gains popularity, it’s being presented as more of a “technological innovation” or “body-hack to happiness.”

Taken from this article: http://www.thefrisky.com/2013-10-17/...ic-meditation/

Sounds great to me!! I love me some good ol' oxytocin! Originally Posted by Aphrodite
I don't have any problem doing this with my ATF...I aim to please
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I get it! It's a kind of, if ya don't use it or never had it, ya lose it and/or need to find it, sorta thing. These ladies are finding their "happy place". Good for them!!

Pro: There's everything right about utilizing whatever educational means one might find necessary while trying to find the way to their happy place, which in return might make "the other half" happy! Right?

Con: Should more women actually become open enough (something I don't really see as a threat, but it could happen) to practice something of this nature.....the ladies here, might not fair quite as well. Less demand and all that. ijs