Do undercover cops offer out calls.

Just curious because I havethis girl I was thinking about seeing for my first out call.

Any input would be helpful thanks.
ShysterJon's Avatar
This topic came up years ago. I think the consensus was that female cops posing as hookers don't do outcalls because of the danger stemming from not being able to control the environment like cops can when they control the playpen. A common m.o. for cops running a sting is for the girl to be near the bed and cops with guns drawn burst out of the bathroom. Obviously, you can't do that on an outcall. Also, if a UC did outcalls, there'd be no assurance the john's playpen would be located in the city where the UC works.
Thanks very helpful.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
yes, the cops do stings with the john/lady going to them; check parking lot, if you still make it to the room, run if there is an adjoining door....I never get an incall hotel with an adjoining room, but I work from home, so I don't have any issues...much safer with them coming to you, if they are not scared and you check out and going to a home rather than a hotel....
ShysterJon's Avatar
Carolina Girl Holly: I think you misread the OP's question. He was asking about UC doing an outcall to the HOBBYIST'S place, not the hobbyist going to the UC's place.
SJ: let's call a truce?

On to the topic--I also read just bs online that outcalls are safer for the client, if that's possible. As in the clients place, be it home, hotel whatever-- for the reasons SJ listed.

It may have even been on Breaking Bad ;D

So, I never mind when I get flack for not offering incall--discretion buffs see the bonus in that for themselves, I guess....
SJ: let's call a truce?

On to the topic--I also read just bs online that outcalls are safer for the client, if that's possible. As in the clients place, be it home, hotel whatever-- for the reasons SJ listed.

It may have even been on Breaking Bad ;D

So, I never mind when I get flack for not offering incall--discretion buffs see the bonus in that for themselves, I guess.... Originally Posted by PhillyChik

I meant "bs online" as in other items than legal papers--SJ is correct in his view, as it even trickled down to a blog somewhere.
ShysterJon's Avatar
SJ: let's call a truce? Originally Posted by PhillyChik
I never hold a grudge. I only hold my tiny, flaccid penis while watching reruns of 'The Flying Nun.'

SJ is correct in his view, as it even trickled down to a blog somewhere. Originally Posted by PhillyChik
There's no accounting for the poor taste of the hoi polloi.