TRUMP approved funds for Texas BEFORE hurricane Harvey hit land on Friday night or anyone even knew the extent of the damage that was to come. The estimated cost is 40 Billion. This is amazing since this is the SAME federal government and the same president that can’t seem to find funds for an affordable healthcare (after repealing it 4 or 5 times) and TAX reform for YOUR tax dollars. How do they recoup that 40 billion, raise YOUR taxes and prices of food, gas, and healthcare. Since 20% of our oil wells are in the gulf, be prepared to PAY higher prices at the pump.



No one told you that you couldn’t smoke or how much you could drink on this planet.

There were no AIDs or anything that penicillin couldn’t fix.

No one telling you what to eat and that you had to exercise.

Everything was much cheaper and made better.

Feel free to ADD anything else I may have not mentioned.

History books say otherwise...

No one told you that you couldn’t smoke or how much you could drink on this planet.
I guess I imagined the prohibition era in the 20's then...

There were no AIDs or anything that penicillin couldn’t fix.
Polio? I bet that 1918 influenza pandemic was awesome to live through where something like 5% of the world's population died. HIV existed back then, but it was mostly confined to Africa due to less travel.

Everything was much cheaper and made better.
Sure, lead paint everywhere must have been great, as well as lead in gasoline. On a per capita basis, I'm sure goods are much cheaper now than ever.

Know what we had less of back then? Prisons! We now maintain the world's largest prison population far higher than bastions of freedom such as Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and Cuba on a relative and absolute basis.
It's always funny to me how Texas runs to the Federal tit every hardship, but trash talks leaving the Union during calm times.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you expect Trump to keep healthcare affordable, but you want the freedom to smoke, drink and eat whatever you like?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Sensationalist op is sensationalist. Clearly educated responses abound.
you expect Trump to keep healthcare affordable, but you want the freedom to smoke, drink and eat whatever you like? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well said, CT...
you expect Trump to keep healthcare affordable, but you want the freedom to smoke, drink and eat whatever you like? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
NO, i would rather have him spend my hard earned tax dollars on a over hyped hurricane, which is being downgraded to a tropical storm.

Chung Tran's Avatar
if the storm is over-hyped, it won't cost $40M.. those funds were pledged, they don't just disappear because Trump allowed the allocation.
txexetoo's Avatar
Dude you need to call your doctor and get your Meds refilled otherwise the men in the black helicopters are going to come and get you
Chung Tran Dude you need to call your doctor and get your Meds refilled otherwise the men in the black helicopters are going to come and get you Originally Posted by txexetoo
^^^^^^^^^ yeah, what he said. lol
2short@desky's Avatar
My only bitch is that the federal government is a big cesspool, so big in fact, that it is incapable of accomplishing anything. It won't even seal the borders, something it has constitutional mandate to do. The taxation is way overboard from original intent. Boil the frog slowly I guess.
FunInDFW's Avatar
NO, i would rather have him spend my hard earned tax dollars on a over hyped hurricane, which is being downgraded to a tropical storm.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
OP doesn't seem to know how hurricanes work...
Duthgar1976's Avatar
like how he was supposed to drain the swamp, son of a bitch backed up a sewage truck to it... facepalm i hated hilary too but jesus titty fucking christ this dude is the shitest potus.
TheWanderer's Avatar
+1 Duthgar. Love your avatar
Boltfan's Avatar
Old man syndrome. Get off my lawn! OP wouldn't know a fact if it bit him in the ass. How about you get on your high horse and go down to Houston to help with the non existent floods.
