P411 site update/upgrade?

Bald Bryan's Avatar
There's a banner that's been floating atop of P411 here lately, suggests maybe something is coming down the pipe in the form of a site update. Now this could simply be a new interface with more color but the same features/options or it could be some sort of expanded site upgrade with more features/options. Anyone have any actual "inside intell" as to what could be going on there?

If not, let the speculation begin!

I for one would love to see upgrades that would include (but not limited to) the following...

A.) More picture flexibility for the ladies. They have to pay and use "okay" points to update their pics and it would be cool to give the them more freedom to add/expand
B.) A way for the guys to somehow "rate" the women. This could be tricky because it could open the door for personal vendettas to get in the way or bogus ratings to occur, but maybe some way to yield legitimacy to the rankings like either your name is attached or you can only rate the provider if it could somehow be confirmed you actually met with her. The name thing would be tricky, they'd have to give us the option to change our name or create like a "nickname" or something.
C.) Similar to B, but maybe some sort of their own review area but maybe expand it to where both guys and gals can review the person they met with.
D.) Something in place to where us "admirers" could post our own availability that could somehow be viewed by the companions. Similar to an ISO but we'd just have our own little green "online" area and then the lady could just look at our profile to see what's up as opposed to us creating a new post like an ISO.

Plenty of ideas to be bounced around. Hopefully whatever this change is goes beyond simply changing the colors of the site and there is something significant on the horizon...
TinMan's Avatar
I just logged in and saw the “soon the orchid will bloom in different colors” banner.

First thing I thought of was the rainbow flag, which doesn’t portend any change that would be of interest to me. Hope I’m wrong.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
First thing I thought of was the rainbow flag, which doesn’t portend any change that would be of interest to me. Hope I’m wrong. Originally Posted by TinMan
Ah, yes, I can see that. And while that wouldn't provide the level of change that I would like to see ultimately occur, it would benefit a good amount of people in the hobby. Almost seems like that would be an easy "upgrade" to where the ideas I have would require much more extensive effort and change.
Pangolier's Avatar
Before FOSTA in 2018 there used to be a link to ECCIE at the top of the page on P411. That has since been replaced with a link to stop human trafficking. Unfortunately, I kind of doubt anyone from P411 checks ECCIE very often for suggestions. They do have a suggestion box though from the contact fourm.

My biggest gripe is the same one with multiple sites, in that P411 allows girls to change their home listing as often as they want. What they should be doing is mandating that any girl who is touring to a city post a visiting ad instead of changing their home listing. If I see a new provider pop up with a NYC home listing that indicates to me they just moved to the area and intend to live there long term. That's when I usually get a message back saying "Oh I was just touring for 1 day and now I'm gone from there" But they let people abuse the home listing by changing it as often as they want, when other girls are paying for visiting ads. No one permanently moves every week. You can be in the circus or a traveling nurse and you still have a primary residence in one city; you are just temporary living in another for a short period of time.

I also wish they would make providers distinctly indicate if they charge a different rate for outcall than incall.

I just hope they can get their registered member numbers up. Been kind of stagnant for awhile. At this point it seems for some reason girls are more reluctant to join / stay than guys. I've heard that the network is requiring some girls to reverify their info by supplying documents after they were already verified once in the past.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Maybe contact https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=10668 on here? She might share some news or update.
pmdelites's Avatar
or just contact p411 directly instead of guessing, postulating, hoping, wishing .....
D.) Something in place to where us "admirers" could post our own availability that could somehow be viewed by the companions. Similar to an ISO but we'd just have our own little green "online" area and then the lady could just look at our profile to see what's up as opposed to us creating a new post like an ISO.

This would be a plus for P411
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I've heard that the network is requiring some girls to reverify their info by supplying documents after they were already verified once in the past. Originally Posted by Pangolier
This could be because it's kinda known that some girls/managers will sell established profiles to new ladies without proper identification/age verification/etc, so the re-verification process is useful in curbing the "fake" profiles.

Maybe contact https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=10668 on here? She might share some news or update. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
I just sent her a PM. No clue who that is and she wouldn't know me either, but maybe she'll check in here or respond privately..
or just contact p411 directly instead of guessing, postulating, hoping, wishing ..... Originally Posted by pmdelites
I started this thread partly to actually welcome speculation from us guys and girls, kinda bounce some ideas around or welcome any news from someone who may actually know what might be going on.


There's a very good chance that it all really is just a graphics change/upgrade but with online participation on both eccie and OH2 kinda just slowly dragging along, doesn't hurt to throw out ideas of what people think would be the ideal way to have a hobby site set up..
GayleMeyers's Avatar
No offense, but don't you guys have enough outlets for reviews and talking about providers? This site, TER, etc .... why would P411 need a discussion board? It's never had one. Back when Gina owned it, any hobbyist contacting me from that site was golden: it truly was dedicated to protecting service providers. I would hate to see it denigrate into a gossip mongering site ...
Bald Bryan's Avatar
No offense, but don't you guys have enough outlets for reviews and talking about providers? Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
Ahhww, hail no, lol...I don't think there could ever be enough resources to review/rate "goods and services" types of businesses. In Dallas, we don't really use TER, OH2 is on life support and eccie can get cluttered with promoters, non p411 types of providers, and hijacked review threads. What I would envision would be a system that maybe a guy gets a limited amount of characters to lay out his experience, or maybe even just a rating system where we rate basic things like hygiene, looks relative to pics, punctuality, etc. I don't think I would even allow comments, or maybe limit it to where only the provider being reviewed can respond. Private delights kinda does this but they're set up in a way that keeps things way too vague and "PG." Also, it'd be a thing (in my mind) where providers do the same thing to the guys. Only guys can see the girls' ranking/reviews and then only girls can see the guys' ranking/reviews. And then I wouldn't see the need or desire to include any forums such as like a coed, sandbox, private, etc. But no, never enough review sites in regards to this business or any other..
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I got a PM back from Nicole. My takeaway from the PM was that they're just doing lie a more sleek web design with an emphasis on making the site more mobile friendly. Didn't get vibes that there were any major upgrades/changes on the horizon in terms of features or functionality.
Pangolier's Avatar
I've heard of "account sharing" with guy's accounts, but never selling girls accounts. If P411 ever catches anyone engaging in that kind of behavior, they permanently ban them. If the existing girl / manager account is of value to them and they are generating profits from it, I don't know why they would take that risk? I mean, if you are about to retire, maybe, but you'd have a horrible reputation from that point on even if you never come back.

This could be because it's kinda known that some girls/managers will sell established profiles to new ladies without proper identification/age verification/etc, so the re-verification process is useful in curbing the "fake" profiles.
. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Ahhww, hail no, lol...I don't think there could ever be enough resources to review/rate "goods and services" types of businesses. In Dallas, we don't really use TER, OH2 is on life support and eccie can get cluttered with promoters, non p411 types of providers, and hijacked review threads. What I would envision would be a system that maybe a guy gets a limited amount of characters to lay out his experience, or maybe even just a rating system where we rate basic things like hygiene, looks relative to pics, punctuality, etc. I don't think I would even allow comments, or maybe limit it to where only the provider being reviewed can respond. Private delights kinda does this but they're set up in a way that keeps things way too vague and "PG." Also, it'd be a thing (in my mind) where providers do the same thing to the guys. Only guys can see the girls' ranking/reviews and then only girls can see the guys' ranking/reviews. And then I wouldn't see the need or desire to include any forums such as like a coed, sandbox, private, etc. But no, never enough review sites in regards to this business or any other.. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Then, again, you could ALWAYS look at a girl's okays and contact some people that she has seen recently to get a gauge of her services and demeanor. I really admire new clients who have done their homework and have looked at my reviews ... it shows that they are as concerned about safety as I am.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Then, again, you could ALWAYS look at a girl's okays and contact some people that she has seen recently to get a gauge of her services and demeanor. I really admire new clients who have done their homework and have looked at my reviews ... it shows that they are as concerned about safety as I am. Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
That's not how it works on P411 though. Guys don't give okays and contacting people that a provider has seen isn't an option one bit.
TinMan's Avatar
There are more than a few women on P411 who don’t have much of an audit trail, if you will. They don’t have reviews, aren’t active on the local boards…you can’t really find out much about them unless you post an ISO for any unpublished information, and get lucky with responses.