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ntxguy's Avatar
Originally Posted by ntxguy
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Originally Posted by BARE_IS_BEST
When is your expiration date buddy, August 2?
When is your expiration date buddy, August 2? Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
ask the question again. I am not "buddy"
From now on address me as BARE_IS_BEST.
If you fail to do so, you will not get your question answered.
Sorry to hear of your cancer, buddy. Good luck with the time you have left. Sad to think you have no family or loved ones to spend your last days with but instead choose to use it chasing tail. Plenty of cheap whores out there for you
Sorry to hear of your cancer, buddy. Good luck with the time you have left. Sad to think you have no family or loved ones to spend your last days with but instead choose to use it chasing tail. Plenty of cheap whores out there for you Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Kindly not call me "buddy". ok, oldbutstillgoing?
Address me as BARE_IS_BEST, thank you

My wife was killed in a car accident and my only son was killed in Afghanistan. Yes, there are whores, but no sense on paying these crazy rates. I like to find the cheapest ones, fat and ugly. Would you like to bear witness to my Sky Burial?
When I die, I am coming back as a whore, good looking, and the cheapest whore on the block. These SLUNTs made a BIG mistake. They going to be eating Noodle Raman and saltines for three meals a day.
ntxguy's Avatar
Sorry to hear of your cancer, buddy. Good luck with the time you have left. Sad to think you have no family or loved ones to spend your last days with but instead choose to use it chasing tail. Plenty of cheap whores out there for you Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
If you had asked him a question you wouldn't get an answer because you called him buddy.

Oops I was wrong.
If you had asked him a question you wouldn't get an answer because you called him buddy. Originally Posted by ntxguy
ntxguy you are incorrect as usual. Mind your own business please. I see you editing. bbbbusted!
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
And here all this time I was calling them Ramen noodles, lol.
ntxguy's Avatar
I prefer the Roman noodles. You should try them sometime Bob
oh what do we have here? the spellin NAZI

and now we got BIG and Little giving each other suggestions

caught them noodling each other
BARE_IS_BEST dont listen to ntx and Bob. They are jealous haters. They think my reviews are fake because i get bare greek and they dont. The girls also love doing rape fantasies with me because i am big and strong while they are weak betamales. On top of that, they never make me pay. They actually pay me.
ntxguy's Avatar
Welp that didn't take long. LOL. What's up Aku?
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
I’ve never had those kind of tamales, betamales?