How about a capitalist structure where able bodied people work for a living and the small minority that need help get it from churches and private charities.
The current socialist system is unsustainable. Capitalism works. Socialism sucks.
Originally Posted by joe bloe
Fu*k, I don't know, how about 5,000 years of historical evidence? Churches (i.e. your local Hebrew Temple and the RC's) were too busy with other expenses (like monstrous cathedrals and trinkets for Il Papa, I guess the Hebrews had theirs tied up in investments but I'll bet they did a better job than the RCs) to get much done in that regard. Private charities? Let's see, somebody, sometime said something that got written down about how it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. Just sayin.'