Thanks to our wonderful providers

Reincarnated's Avatar
A year ago today, I had the pleasure of meeting a very special provider. The next few months after I met her, my life was very difficult having open heart surgery, dealing with a dying father, and recovering from a recent loss of my sister and mother. She always returned my my phone calls and text a provided an ear for my sadness and frustrations and provided me with the hope that it would get better. Having her to look forward to seeing for lunch and sessions and her affections got me through probably the worst days of my life. I really don't know what I would have done without her.

So, that being said, here's to you and to all of you providers who provide not only a good time but the personal touch that makes all the difference.

Thank you!
sixxbach's Avatar
Very sorry to hear about your losses and health. I do remember when you were having surgery. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Sounds like you meet a special person indeed.

That's so awesome to hear. I am glad you are on the mend. Good people come into our lives where we least expect it!

I went thru a really awful time for a while. The only person who showed up when I needed someone the most and was there for me was a hobbyist. Yep that's right. He was there when family couldn't be. A true gentleman and good person. Without his emotional support, I don't know that I would have made it.

I have 2 guy friends in the hobby. I cherish them both One needs to call me, so we can go out soon! Hint hint

Cheer's to good people and friends in the hobby!!!
AcesHigh's Avatar
Scarlett, I second your post! There are a lot of wonderful people who are providers who have made a difference in my life. Treat someone with respect and you get a friendship in return.
fun2come's Avatar
... here's to you and to all of you providers who provide not only a good time but the personal touch that makes all the difference.

Thank you!
Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Nothing to add, have met a couple special Ladies myself and I cherish their friendship in good and bad times (luckily mostly good so far)

Reincarnated, sorry to hear about all your personal difficulties. Glad you are doing better and have found friends through the Hobby.

I am so sorry about your losses and I am glad you have had the oppurtunity to meet some special females that are not there just physically, but emotionally. I remember when I was 20 and I was going through a tough time and I was on the phone with my mother just venting away. Well when I was done venting, I ended it with "well what more could go wrong?" And then she paused for a second and told me that my brothers best friend, who was like a brother to me, died at the age of 19. I just fell to the ground, crying, asking god why. I will never say "what more could go wrong" anymore because of that.

Keep your chin up and many of us like myself will be there if u need a shoulder to cry on.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Thanks Ally, things are looking up for 2013 now that everyone I expected to pass did and I no longer have to take care of them. Over that 2 year period from April 2011 till Oct 2012 I lost 3 immediate family members and 6 close aunts, uncles and cousins, had quadruple bypass heart surgery and changed jobs twice unexpectedly when my companies went under. It was a brutal, stressful time. My providers friends here helped a lot since my spouse seemed to be oblivious to it all and gave no support. You find support in the oddest places sometimes...
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-30-2013, 05:33 PM
Support in the odddest places...
I'll vouch for that. I'd like to think that perhaps the small good deeds we do are held in reserve for us until such time as the fates release them. There's "Family" and then there's "Functional Family", those who might not be a relative but seem to be there when you need them. Obviously you are lucky enough to have a good "Hobby Family".

May it always be that way!
Sorry to hear about your losses and glad you have that ear and shoulder to listen and lean on. I at one time found that same comfort in a couple of providers and I cherish their friendship and kind words. Cheers to you providers that really care and provide more than just a service but a time to unwind and get away from reality. I'm sure you all run across hard times as well and I'm also certain that there are many of us that are willing to listen and be there for you just like you have for us. Cheers again!
I give praise to u Reincarnated, like you I find much of my support in the "hobby." I was recently in a car accident and was bruised quite badly, and I had much of my "regulars" which I consider to be friends offer to bring me soup or help me out.... I find in this little world of ours, you can meet the best people. There are many of my "regulars" that have helped me with my tv and computer issues as well as going to dinner, or the movies or a swim in my pool all off the hour because when u meet a good person, u cant help to care.... So I am glad u have found that. I have read a lot of your posts and seen ur reviews and it seems any lady lucky enough to come into ur circle is special... I was in church yesterday and the lesson was "be still" as in, in time of crisis, dont jump the gun, just be still... thing will work out.

Again, my hat off to you. Stay positive (like u have) and continue on ur journey!

With all my love,
Very nice words allyRay
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Cheers to you providers that really care and provide more than just a service but a time to unwind and get away from reality. I'm sure you all run across hard times as well and I'm also certain that there are many of us that are willing to listen and be there for you just like you have for us. Cheers again! Originally Posted by Austins1hobby
I have always seen myself as "one of those providers" I cant help it I have a big heart it doesn't matter how I met you ..A person is a person with feeling no matter what and sometimes you come across the person who is meant to be in your life no matter how long or short but to get you through something.. I had a first time client the other night thank me for what I do with such a sincerity Ill never forget it until then I didnt realize the impact I can have...

I also believe in what you put out comes back to you....In the past 3 years I have been to a hell and back on levels I cant put into words.There are only 3 people in my hobby world who know the extent past what I made public,...the cancer was just the cherry on top of it all.Without those people well I dont know... but I do know they came into my life at just the right time and I will never forget ...

Reincarnated I am so happy to see that you are back and healthy and that you found a special person to help guide you throu
Reincarnated's Avatar
There are some amazing people here....
Reincarnated, thanks for bringing this up. It's men like you that give rise to our spirits.

It took me a long while to realize it, but I think even underneath some of the board bravado and posturing we all do, at times, a lot of us would be there for each other if we REALLY needed it. I would like to think that anyway. I know this has been my experience. There are some really kind people here.

It used to hurt my feelings so much to see guys be so mean here sometimes, but I changed my attitude. If you look for negativity, you will find it or it you. But if you look past all the bravado, digging deeper into what drives people, it can't hurt you. Once I had that mind set, I found plenty of goodness in people here Group hug???
fun2come's Avatar
I really don't like to hug guys, but y'all so sweet :-) .. and if you insist, I'll hug all the gals...