I have an idea?

searcyslave's Avatar
I have been thinking about the issues with the "stings" that have happenned lately and have come up with an idea...

What I thought of is to treat it like any other business, simply meet the lady for a nice " business " lunch or dinner... Be a real gentleman and buy her a nice meal and conduct a " business meeting"( perfectly LEGAL ) ... Then what ever happens afterwards is simply between concenting adults, nothing more!

And I would bet that most of the ladies would like this idea...
I bet they wouldn't.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I bet they wouldn't. Originally Posted by warbird
I agree with warbird.

Others have come up with "ideas."

They were called "work arounds."

IMHO a really "good idea" probably does not need to be published in a public forum.

It might then become a really "bad idea."

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well A for effort Searcy Slave, The only issue with that is most on here have significant others . It would make me uncomfortable bieng with someone elses man in public for a business/lunch. Privacy & confidentiality are highly regarded , needed and expected. (on my end as well ) Doing a public thing would throw that out the window. Maybe for the out of state'rs but local.... ummm not so good.
Just my 2cents
Well A for effort Searcy Slave, The only issue with that is most on here have significant others . It would make me uncomfortable bieng with someone elses man in public for a business/lunch. Privacy & confidentiality are highly regarded , needed and expected. (on my end as well ) Doing a public thing would throw that out the window. Maybe for the out of state'rs but local.... ummm not so good.
Just my 2cents Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Agreed. Plus now that you've said it on the forum, I'll be getting a call to go out for a nice lunch with one of Little Rock's finest. So obviously I can't agree to go with anyone now.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-13-2010, 01:35 PM
Lily... maybe, you and Sweet 'n Little should do lunch together, instead?

Just don't show your ass.... 'cause she's gonna spank it.... or beg to be spanked!!

Well HELL, there go all of my planned lunches!

Idea has merit Mr. Slave, and has at sundry time been utilized by some ladies and gentlemen. As Ms. Lily most astutely point out companion at lunch, though fascinatiing conversationalist may still conclude with arresting discussion. As Ms. SNL wisely opine, discretion and anonymity may not last through appetizers, especially if ones clergyman entertaining own escort at next table.Many have tried to reinvent wheel resulting in bumpy ride for all passengers. Screening remain most tried and true friend, though even it is not foolproof. Do not be discouraged. Keep thinking, someday wheel will most certainly be obsolete. Someone had to think of MagLev.