Financial Consulting Services

This post is geared towards providers, who need to put something away for retirement and need the most savvy tax strategies, outside the box thinking, that will keep the IRS auditors away.

As you all know, cash businesses can be tricky and a slippery slope, because you want to be legal from a tax compliance standpoint, but also don't want to be screwed by Uncle Sam, especially when there are legal options.

What you need is somebody who can guide you through the process, but also make sure your documents and audit trail is bullet proof.

I am no CPA, as they are a bit too straight and narrow, but made a career replacing them, as a CFO and 20+ years of senior management experience in the accounting and finance sector both corporate, international, and small businesses.

Did I mention that I passed Big 4 CPA audits with flying colors during that time frame, despite making any number appear real?