Venting/Clarification: A Traveling Hobbyist

Hello to all! I'm coming forth offering some clarity. Hopefully, it'll eliminate any misunderstandings or gossip about myself particularly and any other traveling hobbyist without offending anyone.

I'd like to thank every provider I've met including any within the future, for taking the time of honoring the session(s) with guided assistance for travel and patience, as my commute consists of hours.

Just now recently, me being the well coordinated punctual person I am, preparing a day ahead, I've had to make a cancellation shy of an hour of scheduling, first ever. Unfortunately, it was with one whom I had great interest of reuniting having "stellar" reviews and all the works.

Reason being, I attempted to brainstorm a proper where about for myself to obtain a punctual session arrival. Knowing I'm verified and not a stranger, I sensed an incoming ordeal of insult just for inquiring about any helpful GPS matter after departure or nearing city.

In the mist of insult, it was brought to my attention that "the girls" are talking about you and "this", what a rude awakening. How embarrassing so, it deflated the mood in its entirety. With the previous session of ours, I approached the meeting 15 minutes late, no mercy witnessed, but hey no sweat, yet EXPENSIVE. All that due to being in an unfamiliar area without any sense of timing in a city Vs where I was located particularly in that city when exact location was offered. Pros right?

Honoring an appointment, I suggest providers have at least a nearby location in mind to offer that'll expedite a proper arrival if the exact may be uncomfortable. That simple!

I did not ask to converse during the commute, neither did I mention the GPS must be exact destination although would greatly benefit any road trip anxiety. The 20+ providers I've reviewed or haven't reviewed didn't have a problem offering. If I haven't seen you already, they can enlighten you as my references.

What's the purpose for references if providers decisions are influenced by gossip or if not even contacted at all (another story)? Especially a provider that a hobbyist has never had a session with?

One may boast,"the majority of my clients travel to see me,"...Ok? I guess where I'm confused at is if I'm coming to see you, how on God's green earth, will I get there if you don't explain? To me, doing so offers more sense of the meetings validation, a tad bit of care, and most of all an appreciation of interest at effort to support. Hospitality?

Don't insult a guy and convince him with enough to cancel, then text him later after the phone call was ended later thanking him. A more provider friendly approach would be resolving such to a conclusion resulting a happy ending, then text and thank him later. But when you get a ton of business, I guess the initial approach is easier. As a derivative of that, I'll either mosey or better yet, save.

I was totally unaware that this was an such an issue aired out by providers I haven't even visited, without my knowledge or defense of explanation. Why isn't this brought to light? Why is it hidden. There are solutions. If you're a provider I've met before, did you come to my defense?

Some providers get offended by just being asked basics defending with "resort to my reviews". Apparently it's not included or one doesn't have access. If there is any concern after verifying me, again, resort to whom I've reviewed.

I am aware of a well "stellar" reviewed provider, no names, and if she feels to object she'll intro herself, may have contributed to this. I decided to visit her during the blackout. Due to timing, I wouldn't see her for awhile. Understood. All in all, she voluntarily shot across a pic or two. Beautiful gesture!

Meanwhile, I attempted her offering as a ref a few times, but they all claimed she never responded. One verifying me at the time nearing this refs hosting. Contacted via text with concern about provider reaching out. She tells me she did. It was already to late for me.

We texted a bit about screening and, I informed her about
That clearly alone didn't hit base with her after telling her I'd be interested seeing her. Day of intended interest, I discussed when I could possibly make it to the city only. She hadn't even made it yet, but was nearing. Without scheduling an appointment, she gave me her exact location. Hmm? That's different.

So I proceeded to make sure this was her. I told her I would call her with appointment time. She stated her phone didn't have a call feature. Whuuuuuut? So I say to my self, hmm... I comfortably requested a selfie with a specific pose due to her sending of the past. She shoots one across with a humongous emoji covering 65-75% of what I requested. At that point, I was looking for the moon through my ceiling. She says I don't send pics including my face. Whuuuuuuuut?

I immediately thought this wasn't her. I just knew it. I declined respectfully with the reasoning of my safety and thanked her. I was through. She became berated and ridiculed me messages after messages, because I told her otherwise. Comparing me to problems with offering pics to significant people of her RW situation, she told off on herself unknowingly. Went on and on and on to a point where she just had to prove it was her. She told me something only she knows about myself.

So I give in and engage in making the appointment. She then tells me to never contact her again? So I became concerned, she stated for her safety. OK... Huh?

Other than her, I feel that everyone I've reviewed can vouch for me being a traveler. I don't know about anyone else, but if I'm tossing up XXX, driving MILES on top of MILES to a particular session, I expect to arrive in a timely manner for a full duration of session, unless arriving late due to such still permits the full session. IJS
Sorry for your troubles......

With the recent legislation everyone including me are a bit over cautious these days. Hope next time you are in town your experience is better. Sorry it didn't work out for us to see each other.
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Sounds to me that you paid or was going to pay a high price in a lower then market value situation. I really don't care who it is you are talking about. I wouldn't put up with that shit, and then be punctual here. I would have just looked for another as soon as the BS started, one that satisfies and appreciates my time. Ijs
sloop3's Avatar
I read that entire post 3 times and still have no idea what he is saying...

To the OP, do you always talk like that or are you trying to sound like an 19th Century English Royal?
Yousername's Avatar
Is there a cliff notes version? I stopped after the second paragraph.
I responded to you PM but remembered some better advice. I didn't read your entire post but I get the gist of it.

What I do with a girl I haven't seen before is just lie about my whereabouts. Even if they give me an address ahead of time I make a few potential dates with other girls. The main one I really want to see determines how much I reel in the other 3 or 4. The more flaky she is the more I reel in the others. That way I'm covered. Play by your rules and do right by you and you'll have a lot less frustration. Same for the hooker side. Say they give me an address for a hotel, I'll tell them I'm in the parking lot before I ever left my house. I'm always late but I also dont make dates for a specific date and time because with hookers that simply doesnt work

References are bullshit, I'm not going to give up anyone. I'm not going to get suspicions raised on someone I enjoy spending time with for anything or anyone. I tried to see a chick recently and she wanted references, I explained I dont do that in case she's busted and the cops go through her phone or accounts it could drag other girls into. She says well the girls on eccie say they won't go through your phone it's just a ticket. Well that may be but every case and every cop is different.

As far as your concern with them not responding, usually I block a number if they dont respond right away. My favorites are always chicks that respond and are able to communicate like a human being. Just seems to be one of those things that have always worked well for me. If her communication is off something about that date is going to be off. Those retarded auto responses I just block their numbers too. I think the problem you face is guys want these girls to be able to keep a date and time but the hooker can't because of the nature of their business. The vast majority of hookers won't respond to you unless you want to see them immediately, because a set date and time fail most of the time. Usually if you want a set day and time see an agency.

What I look for these days is a girl who makes things easy for me. I think your problem is you are following a bunch of dumb rules that serve hookers and pimps, start following rules that serve you and you'll be a lot less frustrated. Also dont worry about hookers talking shit about you, most of them do it but the good ones are smart enough to know bullshit when they see it
sloop3's Avatar
Iheartwomen, I tried to respond to your PM but it says your box is full. Disappointed, because I typed a rather lengthy one. Haha

Really just letting you know, you may miss a message from someone much more attractive than myself.
Girls won't give close address for GPS so he wont be late. He drives 4 hrs round trip and needs assurity he wont be stood up which has happened here recenitly.
He tried to see a girl he has seen before but her method of contact had changed said her phone now only texted he could not hear her voice. So he asked for a picture with a certain pose to make sure it was her..She sent a random pic not the exact once he wanted so he did not feel comfortable and cancelled the meeting. She cussed him out and told him things that only she would know from last meeting. Then he felt ok about it and decided to meet she decided no that was too much trouble Not worth it, he got butt hurt. Now they both lost a regular. SMART.

Guys and Girls both want the less time envolving the necessary task to feel the comfort they need for safety and to enjoy themselves. The harder the other party pushes and makes this unpleasant the other one is sure to throw in the towel. Very simple.
DallasRain's Avatar
With the recent legislation everyone including me are a bit over cautious these days. Hope next time you are in town your experience is better. Sorry it didn't work out for us to see each other. Originally Posted by JustJodi

well said...and ditto!